Our people - Christopher McMahon

Christopher McMahon

Christopher McMahon


Location: Dublin Main Campus

Development Activities

Academic Qualifications
LLB (Pol Sc) (Dubl), BA, BCL (Oxon), Barrister-at-Law


Christopher McMahon is a Lecturer at the Law Faculty and the Graduate Business School at Griffith College. He delivers lectures in a number of postgraduate modules, including International Commercial Law and International Commercial Arbitration. He also acts as a dissertation supervisor on the LLB and LLM courses.

Christopher is currently pursuing doctoral research on EU State aid law and its interaction with taxation at the School of Law at Trinity College Dublin where he also serves as Adjunct Assistant Professor. His research is supported by a Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship funded by the Irish Research Council. He has worked as an intern at a number of different commercial law firms, as a tutor, as a judicial assistant, as a freelance legal researcher and as a consultant for a leading legal technology start-up company.