Innovation Bootcamp Competition


About the Initiative

The #GameOn Innovation Bootcamp 2023 is a part of the Smart4Future project taking place on Tuesday 3rd October 2023. 

Through spearheading the event, we are funding current Graduate Business School Griffith College student-led companies a total of €15,000 using our EU-funding.

The prize is divided in three: 

€7,000 is awarded to the winning entry, 

€5,000 is awarded to second place 

€3,000 is awarded to third place.

It is envisioned that this initiative will support the foundation of the GBS Hub Incubator.

Have more questions? Find our FAQs here.

How it works

  • Students will be asked to pitch their business ideas including 1–2-year projections & SWOT analysis.

  • Student submissions will be in the form of a 5-minute video outlining all required information about their business pitch to

  • The closing date for entries has been extended until the 8th of September 2023.

  • From all submissions, a shortlist of entries will be produced. From this shortlist, participating teams will then move on to the interview stage towards the end of July/start of August.

  • The top 6 successful entries after the interview stage will be joining the bootcamp, where they will have access to mentoring to help them create a compelling final presentation. Throughout the process, they will receive advice, support, and guidance from handpicked experts, keynote speakers, and the GBS Research and Innovation Hub team themselves.

  • The top three ideas will participate in a 10min pitch + Q&A in the final event on October 10th, 2023. The winners will be decided and announced using a PR campaign.

  • These winners will then be supported by GBS R&I Hub into 2024.