International Womens Day Interviews

During our very special International Women’s Day Photoshoot (where female-identifying photography students photographed female-identifying staff, students and alumni) we asked those being photographed various gender equality questions and you can see their answers below.
Sara Mebtouche – Law Student
Sara is a first-year student in the Bachelor of Laws (LLB) programme at Griffith College Dublin. She has long held a passion for the subject, having been inspired by her mum who is a solicitor. She has known she wanted to study law since she was 8 years old, and growing up watching tv shows and movies with law themes only strengthened this goal.
The theme of International Women’s Day 2022 is Break the Bias. What challenges have you faced in your journey so far?
For me, not being taken seriously is definitely one. As a young woman, it often feels like you are not being listened too, that people aren’t interested in what you have to say. It can feel like my voice isn’t important and I have to fight to be heard.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
I am definitely inspired by my mum. She’s just so independent. She will never let anyone do something she could do for herself.
What is an achievement you are proud of yourself for?
I am proud of myself for keeping motivated.
Bridget Winters – VAW Coordinator, Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre
As part of her BA with Ursinus College in International Relations and Affairs and History, Bridget travelled to Dublin with CAPA. During her studies, she undertook an internship with NGOs. As an undergraduate, she developed a strong passion for human rights and she went on to complete her MSc in Human Rights at University College Dublin. She now works with Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, co-ordinating a project to tackle violence against women.
Tell me about your work with Pavee Point and your work around human rights?
I began working with Pavee Point on a placement in their health programme. Now I co-ordinate project to tackle violence against women. When studying for my undergraduate degree, the section on human rights had a huge impact on me. Learning about sweatshops, workers conditions and human rights violations struck a chord. No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, no matter what your past, you are human. We are all human, who you are shouldn’t change what rights you have, your access to healthcare and education.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
My mom inspires me. She was a stay at home mom, she had a tough life but she always put myself and my brother first. She has so much strength, and has faced prejudices about stay at home moms and their value. She taught me to stand up for myself. She is everything I want to be.
Dagmara Milczarek – Law Student
Dagmara has always loved law, and enjoyed watching crime documentaries and films about court cases. However, she didn’t believe that she would be able to do it herself or that this field would be for her. She says that she almost came to the course by accident, when didn’t get first choice on the CAO, she decided to follow her passion and enrol on a law degree at Griffith College. She is working hard and proud to be pursuing her dream.
The theme for International Women’s Day is Break the Bias, can you tell us about challenges you have faced?
I want to put myself forward. That’s why I took part in this project – it is part of standing up and getting out of my comfort zone. I want to work on presentations and being confident.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
My Nanny has always pushed me to do the best I can, she encouraged me and believed I could do anything I wanted to.
What advice would you give to students deciding what to study at college?
Just go for it, follow your heart.
Ayomide Awosokanre. – Law Student
Having completed the foundation programme at Griffith College, Ayomide is now in her first year of a law programme. She was born in Ireland but never lived here, growing up in Nigeria. Her love of travel and wish to experience somewhere new brought her to Dublin to study here. She is a vlogger, and her videos include ones showing her first day studying law and her experiences living in Ireland.
Where did you develop your interest in studying law?
Growing up, because I am non-confrontational, I didn’t think law would be for me. However, through reading my interest developed. I started reading law books to find out what part of law might suit me, and I found an interest in company law.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
I am inspired by Michelle Obama. Reading her book lead me to see her from a new point of view. I admire how in spite of all the horrible things people said about her it didn’t stop her being in the public eye, it doesn’t change what she is doing. She shows me that it doesn’t matter what people are saying about you.
Tell us about an achievement you are proud of.
Growing up, I was shy and closed off, now I put myself out there. I put myself in the spotlight, to build my confidence. I wanted to get more confident, and to be open with myself. I don’t want fear to stop me doing stuff now. I watched lots of TV growing up, and I started off making videos with my friends. My friends suggested vlogging and putting my videos online. I really enjoy filming and editing but I make my videos for myself, for fun and to document my experiences.
What advice would you give to young women who want to build their confidence?
People are going to say what’s in their mind, don’t let them stop you. Go for what you want to do, have fun in process, don’t make everything about other people. Do what you enjoy for you.
Mahima Bhatnagar – Fashion Design Student
Mahima holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Kendriya Vidyalaya and she has worked as a financial analyst in India. Following a move to Ireland, she decided to follow her passion and study fashion. She took the Certificate in Art and Design at Griffith College Dublin, then started her BA in Fashion Design. She will be progressing on to the Honours degree programme
What has been your experience of your course?
Every day I am learning so much. Fashion is not just making garments – involves so much more. I love learning about the history of fashion design. Fashion is not just thinking of the future, it is about taking from the past.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
I am definitely inspired by my mother – she is very good at knitting and crochet, she sewed all my school dresses. Making clothing is in my heritage. My mother was a homemaker, she gave up her job to look after me and my three siblings.
What advice would you give to women beginning to study, or thinking about following their passion as you did?
Go with the flow, go with your heart’s desires, never give up on your dreams.
Alex Kayser – Fashion Design Student
Alex Kasyer is a 2nd year student in the BA (Hons) Fashion Design course at Griffith College Dublin.
The theme of International Women’s Day this year is Break the Bias, could you tell us about challenges you have faced?
Back in high school I was told I’d never make it to 3rd level education, but I proved them wrong and am studying for a BA.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt, one of the first women to rule a country, a great empire no less.
What advice would you give to women starting their studies?
Do not undermine your studies for anyone or anything. Knowledge and skill are power. Believe in yourself, you will achieve great things!
What is an achievement you are proud of yourself for?
Making it to college. Moving on my own to a foreign country. Proving to myself that I can accomplish great things.
Madeleine Ford – Programme Director Graduate Business School, Deputy Head of Faculty Business
Madeleine is a Chartered Certified Accountant and has lectured for 26 years, both in Ireland and overseas. Prior to joining Griffith College, she held management roles in domestic and international companies. She has delivered modules on academic and professional programmes in the areas of financial accounting, management accounting and taxation in Ireland, Russia and China.
Madeleine is programme director for the BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance, the MSc in Accounting and Finance Management and the Certificate in Advanced Tax Planning and Advice. She is also responsible for the development and maintenance of strategic partnerships with colleges and universities in France, China, Ghana and Malaysia.
Working closely with professional accountancy bodies, such as Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (of which she is a Fellow), Certified Public Accountants (Ireland), Chartered Accountants (Ireland) is also one of her responsibilities, to ensure the Accounting and Finance programmes are appropriate to secure maximum professional accountancy examination exemptions for graduates of these programmes.
Madeleine has a keen interest in e-Learning and is a member of the college’s e-Learning committee. During her time at Griffith College, Madeleine has been instrumental in reshaping how programmes are delivered and has been a driving force in the introduction of the BA (Hons) in Business Studies (Blended). She is a member of the Management Board of Griffith College.
Dieu-Hang Tran – Journalism Student
Dieu-Hang is a final year Journalism student at Griffith College Dublin. She came to Ireland in 2019 from Vietnam, and it was the first foreign country she had visited. She loves writing, and has impressed herself in language and learning. Her article 'Technology Riders: A Complex Pictures of Front-line Workers in the Pandemic’ was nominated for the Smedias (The National Student Media Awards) in 2021. She worked in the Griffith College Library for a semester. In 2017, she set up The Book Circle, a project to distribute books. It started with Dieu-Hang wanting to find a good way to pass on her own books, then reaching out to friends and family. As the network grew, over 5,000 books were donated to schools. The project has continued to grow and to spread the joy of reading. She was also asked to create a one-day English language festival, which was funded by the US embassy.
Could you tell us about your studies at Griffith College?
I decided to study journalism as I am very curious about things. At the beginning it was difficult. You need to a high standard of English to do journalism, you need to be above good in the language to write well. I found it very challenging to write the first essay, but I learned and I talked to people. You have to push yourself, and dip into the language. When you connect with the human aspect, it is not difficult, you can learn like a child. It is not just word and text anymore, it is about the people and the connections. I want to pursue writing about social issues, and to study more here in Ireland. Back to my own country also, to use the skills I have learned.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
It is more of a collective. My mum, I really love her, she nourishes me. My sister (also a mum), my grandmother. I feel so connected, motivated and inspired by the women around me. The more they pursue and the more they push themselves to work, to research, to raise a kid, all that effort should be respected.
Could you tell us about an achievement you are proud of?
When I raised my hand in class, to read my poem in English.
What advice would you give to women starting their studies?
Don’t be shy, be a bit shameless. Be brave. Forget about the ways of people seeing you as a woman, step up to say what you want to say.
Dee Kerins – Lecturer, Yoga and Mindfulness Instructor, TV Producer
Dee is a part-time lecturer in the Journalism and Media faculty. She has over 20 years of experience in freelance broadcast television production, both nationally and internationally. She has also been involved in the design and delivery of video production courses for undergraduate and post graduate program in Journalism and Media, Photography, and Film and Television Production. She also teaches yoga and mindfulness, and has delivered classes for staff both on campus and online.
Tell us about how you started lecturing at Griffith College.
I was working with a TV production company on campus, Niall Meehan approached me and asked me to lecture. Over time, this became a bigger part of my life with more people taking video in journalism, the creation of the film and tv course, video being offered to photography students.
How did you find an interest in mindfulness and yoga?
I initially started to look into yoga and mindfulness to help me deal with chronic illness and cope with stress. Freelance work in particular can be very stressful, and 10 or 12 years ago I became seriously ill. I am really interested in the body/mind connection. We often don’t have ways to look after ourselves, we are not equipped with the skills to cope with the stresses of work and life.
It started as a way to learn some skills and make sense of life. I think when you are a teacher you realise that the way to learn is to teach. When you teach a subject you really engage with the material, and approach it from different perspectives to cater for different learners. Teachers also have a natural curiosity, maybe the curiosity comes from the teaching, or maybe we teach because we are curious. I qualified to teach yoga about 10 years ago, and completed a mindfulness qualification last year. Teaching yoga on campus has been a great experience – bringing people together to do an activity that isn’t work. It offers a time when we don’t have to be productive or striving.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
It’s not one particular woman – I am really inspired by women who do their own thing, who are authentically themselves. I am inspired by people who don’t feel they have to fall into a box.
What advice would you give to students?
Be open and curious and try everything. A lot of students have been vomited out from secondary school system and they feel under pressure to already know everything. They find it very hard to ask questions. I wish someone had told me that at 18, that it is okay not to know. People often feel they have to put on a façade, and that they can’t be open or themselves. I would also say to look after yourself.
Caroline Murphy-Bennis – Lecturer, Writer, Mindfulness Expert
Caroline lectured in design at Griffith College, on the design communications studio module, design principles, fashion and interiors. She then began her studies on mindfulness, initially independently, then studying at the Irish Mindfulness Institute. In 2020, she published her debut book The Rainbow Warrior, a children’s mindfulness and empowerment book. She published Declare a Republic: A Free State of Mind, a poetry and photography collection in 2021. She has founded Flourish by Design, a conscious design agency, and recently launched a collaborative education programme, Diamond Mother Ring, with a colleague in Australia. She will be returning to Griffith College to lecture on the design communications course.
The theme of International Women’s Day this year is Break the Bias, could you tell us about how you have pushed boundaries in your career?
Women need to unbox themselves, the thought system within our minds is holding us back. We must work to overcome that. You get your power from within. I believe in taking design and going into the mind. Designing from the inside out. If you really want to change the world, you have to go inside.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
I am definitely inspired by my mother, and in terms of a famous figure…I would say Oprah Winfrey, because of her change in career. She made a big move from broadcasting to spirituality, and I really admire that.
What advice would you give to women starting out with their studies, or making career changes as you have done?
Follow your curiosity, keep your intuition fuelling your intellect, going where your curiosity takes you.
Jah Leah Ellis – Global Student Ambassador, Journalism Student, Basketball Player
Jah-Leah has a great passion for basketball, both as a coach and a player. She has studied Mass Communication/Media Studies at De Paul University and completed a BA in Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication at The College of New Rochelle. She is currently studying for a Masters at Griffith College Dublin, while also taking on the roles of Global Student Ambassador and Class Representative. Jah-Leah is a Griffith Scholar, playing basketball for Griffith College Templeogue Basketball Club.
Tell us about how you came to Griffith College.
This has been an opportunity to play basketball and go to school. Nerve wracking going back to school after 7 years, moving to a new country and finally getting this opportunity to play the sport I love.
I am a Global Student Ambassador, this involves vlogging, making informational videos and telling stories. I also want to learn more about the connection between Ireland and Jamaica. I am a Class Rep, I was asked to take on this role by my peers. The best part of studying media is the students. Coming back to college has been a big challenge, but my classmates have really helped with that. It is a very supportive class.
What advice would you give to international students coming to Griffith College?
I would say to really dive in and absorb as much as you can. It is also important to realise how much people want to know about you. Telling people about home can help you keep that connection, and can help with the homesickness. Talk to people, dive into those conversations, then everyone gets involved.
This year I have learned that you really have to do self-love and self-care. I was feeling very stressed and overwhelmed, and I reached out to the counselling services. I would always tell people to tap into the resources at the college, but it took me a while to do this for myself.
Tell us about your experiences of playing basketball for Griffith College Templeogue Basketball.
It has been very physical, and definitely tiring balancing it with my studies. I have noticed there is a different culture here in Ireland, people are afraid to step forward. A lot of Black people experience imposter syndrome, and I feel there is a culture of imposter syndrome in Ireland too. Basketball is a team sport but it only works if everyone is their best self. I am telling my team mates to not be afraid to shine, to take that shot. This year we reached National Cup Final for the first time, which was a great achievement.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
My mom. I am experiencing a lot of self-reflection as I am now the age she was when she died. Now I am recognising that she did a lot of great and brave things. I am able to sit with this, and recognise the beauty.Page Break
Eva Kelly – Illustrator and Lecturer
Eva works as a part-time lecturer in the Design faculty at Griffith College Dublin, specialising in Illustration and Freehand Drawing Techniques. She also lectures in graphic design and Adobe skills in other third level colleges in Dublin. She holds a BA in Visual Communications from NCAD, MA in Visual Arts Education from the NCAD and MA in Illustration from the University of Hertfordshire. She teaches Illustration and Drawing in Dublin. Eva is a practicing freelance illustrator and has worked on creative residencies in New York and Tokyo. Eva’s creative output is informed by her observations of the world around her. She mixes traditional media pen and ink with digital colour to communicate ideas and narratives. Creating a sense of play and curiosity is at the heart of her practice. She is a member of the AOI, Association of Illustrators, Visual Artists Ireland and Institute of Designers in Ireland. She was recently appointed Artist in Residence for the Decade of Centenaries in South Dublin.
The theme of International Women’s Day 2022 is Break the Bias, could you tell us about a boundary you have pushed?
Working on/learning about cultural revolutionaries from Decade of Centenaries project with South Dublin. New ideas and uncovering the history of these important women.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
Through this project, I have made a new discovery about May Guinness – an Irish painter from Rathfarnham. In my life, my grandmother and my female friends inspire me.
What advice would you give to women who are starting out with their studies?
Find what interests you and try lots of ideas out to find your passion.
Deirdre Doherty – Head of Faculty, Design
Deirdre has worked in Griffith College in the area of Third Level Design Education Management since 2004. She holds a BTEC Diploma in Art and Design, a BA (Hons) in Fine Art from NCAD, an MSc in Multimedia from DCU and a Postgraduate Certificate in Third Level Teaching and Learning from TUD. She is currently undertaking a Professional Doctorate in Art and Design with the University of Dundee. She has worked in Multimedia design, with a particular focus on e-Learning. Deirdre is a member of the Institute of Designers in Ireland, Cumulus, Interior Educators, LEO Dublin City Women in Business Network and acts as secretary for Design Educators Ireland.
The theme of International Women’s Day 2022 is Break the Bias, could you tell us about a boundary you have pushed or a challenge you have faced?
I believe strongly in equality and diversity and the importance of encouraging other women in the workforce and to support each other and lift each other up. I am active member of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion group at Griffith College. There is a huge underrepresentation of women at senior level in the Design sector, The National Framework for Design in Enterprise in Ireland illustrates a divide at 75:25. Female designers should be considered the same as equal to male designers.
The hardest barrier that I have faced was juggling my career and being a mother of three children, especially during my children’s formative years. My first child was born 2009 and it was a struggle financially, childcare costs were astronomical. I really felt guilty not being able to spend as much time as I would have liked with my children, but I needed to work to keep my position. More affordable and accessible childcare would have the greatest impact in achieving workplace equality.”
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
I was very lucky to have two strong female role models growing up, my grandmother who was instrumental in the family business in Donegal. My own mother had lived in the US for a decade, she encouraged her three daughters to be well educated and have our own careers and not be dependent on any man for money. She taught us the importance of always being able to support yourself and having financial freedom.
What advice would you give to women studying design?
I would advise any young female designer to be ambitious for yourself and have the self-belief that you are just as able and equal to your male colleagues. We need more female voices in every board room to increase the possible ways to change a society positively. Women make a difference to the productivity, creativity, and profitability of businesses. Always make your work visible as others have no problem taking credit for it.
Gwen Kenny – Lecturer and Designer
Gwen lectures in Entrepreneurship, Interior Architecture and Design in Griffith College Dublin. Gwen’s academic qualifications include a Professional Diploma in Creativity, Design and Leadership from UCD and a Masters in Professional Design Practice from TUD. She is a facilitator of Universal Design for Learning. She is also Design Director of multi award-winning practice Divine Design. She has been involved in many high-profile projects, including the redesign of the Olympia Theatre. She also teaches at the UCD Innovation Academy, and is a pioneer of Design Thinking. She is the Vice President of the Interiors Association. Her upcoming projects include being a mentor for The B!G IDEA, a programme which empowers Transition Year students to use creative thinking to come up with innovative ideas and solutions.
Tell us about your career as a designer.
I have always been creative, but I also have a very busy brain that like statistics. In that sense, I have a foot in both camps. I have worked in retail, in wholesale design, as a buyer, I also travelled a lot. After having a child, I started my own business. This allowed me to be in charge of my own hours, and it has grown exponentially. I have always used Design Thinking, long before it became a buzz word. It is a really transformational way of thinking and working.
What is an achievement you are proud of?
I have raised over €100,000 for children’s hospitals, through fundraising initiatives like the Griffith College virtual celebration ‘Inside Out’ in 2020. This money has been put towards essential equipment for Crumlin Children’s Hospital and the Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital including a neo-natal incubator, transport ventilators, heart equipment and much more.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
Eileen Grey – she was so ahead of her time, when you compare her designs with art being created at the time it really shows how cutting edge she was. Her use of form and materials is inspirational.
What advice would you give to students starting out at Griffith College?
Recently a former student sent me a quote from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron – ‘Leap and a net will appear.’ I think it is brilliant, it has really stuck with me. I would also say that every day is a learning day. It is okay not to know all the answers. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask someone for an answer or for help.
Social media worlds are not real. Don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others online or worrying about follower numbers. Everyone has a different path, focus on following your passion.
Anna O’Carroll - Lens-Based Visual Artist and Lecturer
Anna O’Carroll studied at Griffith College for a year in 2010, then on to IADT. She has worked in the film and TV industry for about 12 years. In Ireland, she has worked on such projects as Red Rock and Sing Street. She moved to New York in 2015, initially working with a rental house and production company. She has worked on a diverse range of projects including music videos, commercials and art films. Recently she worked on award-winning Irish language film An Cailín Ciúin.
Tell us about your experience lecturing at Griffith College
I really enjoy teaching and engaging with students. It is energising to be around young people; the enthusiasm rubs off and I would leave the classes feeling inspired myself. I am happy I’ve passed on some knowledge, and I am excited about the future generation of filmmakers.
What are some projects you have worked on that celebrate women?
I worked on a project in Grand Central Station which showcased strong female scientists who advanced science and technology. An important female-centric project was the Women’s Weekend Film Challenge – a 72-hour challenge in which you work on a short film/project with an all-female crew. It was my first time working in an entirely female crew, there were no egos and people had no hesitance in asking for help. I was eager to meet other women who wanted to create. I had fun and made friends there.
The theme for International Women’s Day 2022 is Break the Bias, could you tell us about challenges you have faced in your career?
There is progression towards a gender balance in the film industry, but it is moving slower than it should. I am grateful for progress that has been made. This is down to decades of strong female cinematographers, producers, directors and department heads pushing for equity and a seat at the table.
Tell us about a woman who has inspired you.
I am inspired by Countess Markievicz, my Mum told me about her. I have always had an interest in history around 1916, and I really zoned in on her. What an absolute badass! She refused to concede, and after the Rising she was still championing independence.
What advice would you give to film students?
Don’t give up. If there are not opportunities available to you, create your own opportunities. If you want to make something – go and make it! Be persistent. Just because doors aren’t opening for you now doesn’t mean they won’t in the future.
Find your tribe. They could be other students around you, like-minded friends, or people you have yet to meet. We - both men and women - need to be supporting and uplifting each other, not competing or discounting.
Lena Jordan – Fashion Design Graduate and Garment Technologist
Lena graduated from Griffith College Dublin in 2021, having completed her BA (Hons) in Fashion Design. She received an Academic Achievement Award from Griffith College Dublin, and her graduate collection 28 M2 was shortlisted for the IDI (Institute of Designers in Ireland) Graduate Award. Since completing her degree, Lena has worked with Netflix and Styletex Ltd.
Tell us about your interest in fashion and design, where did this come from?
As I grew up without TV, I started being creative whenever I was bored and learned to work with many materials. I also went to a creative school which taught me many craftsmanship skills. During a school project which took about a year, I chose to make fashion and sew clothes for family and friends. Since then I haven’t stopped sewing and learning. After finishing school, I made many internships in different fields as film, fashion design and custom tailoring to figure out what I want to study.
Tell us about some of your favourite experiences in your career so far.
Every project was exciting so far, as fashion design is not just working on garments, it has lots of different sides as marketing, fitting, photo and video shoots. This makes every project new and exciting. My favourite college experience was always the big fashion shows which were mostly the first option to see all of the students work over the year. In my career, I am super lucky so far as I got an opportunity to work for a Netflix show as a costume maker and to work for one of Ireland's top fashion manufacturing businesses, first as a pattern maker and now as a garment technologist.
The theme for IWD 2022 is Break the Bias. What is a challenge you have faced or a boundary you have pushed?
A big challenge was coming to Ireland during a pandemic, not speaking a word of English. But as I am very ambitious and passionate about my course, I worked extremely hard and it was worth it. During my time in college, working under strict deadlines, it was a challenge to find time to participate in many different competitions, projects and fashion events.
Is there a particular woman who has inspired you?
First and foremost, my mum. She taught me many of my crafty skills and was always very open minded to support me as a woman, with all that I’m driven passionate and determined. In fashion, Stella McCartney with her sustainable brand and amazing designs.
What piece of advice would you give to women thinking about going into fashion design?
Just be open-minded for every challenge. Without ambition and passion for it, the course can be really tough. My advice is to be brave to gather connections in every direction. This always helped me to put a team together for shootings etc as well as getting many jobs and promotions. Work together, help each other out, especially when you're stuck. That’s always the best way to succeed.Page Break
Becks Butler – Design and Journalism & Media Lecturer and Photographer
Having graduated with a degree in Agricultural Science (hons.), Becks worked for Claas Ltd, before launching her start-up Uisce Bia. Having identified a gap in the market her hydroponic animal feed business worked tirelessly to find a solution to the fodder crisis. As part of Ireland's Best Young Entrepreneur competition, she was required to develop several business plans and strategies as well as perform frequent pitches to the Department of Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation. She developed her expertise in entrepreneurship through various bootcamps awarded by Google and Enterprise Ireland. In (2015) Becks was a spotlight guest speaker for Accenture’s International Women’s Day at the Convention Centre Dublin. Becks is still involved in farming and currently manages 250 acres of tillage.
Having returned to education to study a degree in Photographic Media and an MA in Art Research & Collaboration, Becks now has a professional career in commercial and contemporary photography as well as a visual arts curatorial practice. She exhibited her solo show Pushing Boundaries at illuminations in (2017) and has presented work in group shows at Pallas Projects, RIA, The Complex and The Library Project. Her collections have been purchased by the Royal Irish Academy and private collectors both in Ireland and internationally. Becks was awarded the M11 PerCent for Art Commission (2019) and collaborated with PhotoIreland’s, Critical Academy to bring Performing the Post-human: Subject in Photography to the Museum of Contemporary Photography of Ireland (2019). Becks is a member of Pivot (2020) critical form at The Lab Gallery. Becks was nominated as FUTURES Irish Talent (2020) a European initiative with her body of work ‘Loopies Field’. She was commissioned by Culture Ireland’s ‘Ireland Performs’ (2020) and is a recent recipient of the Arts Councils Agility Award (2021).
Within her commercial practice, Becks has worked on design projects for clients such as Guinness, REPEAL Campaign and Style Club and her editorials have been published by The Guardian Uk, Quartz NYC, Over, Journal and The Irish Times.
Becks Butler is now a Lecturer at the Faculty of Design & Faculty of Journalism, Griffith College Dublin where she works to share her experiences through her role as an educator and is a partner at New Wave Training, Consultancy & Media. New Wave works with clients on business problems to find creative and innovative solutions using design thinking processes. New Wave has a portfolio of clients including Kerry Group, DPP Skillnet, Cosentino.