Support from Mr. ACCA himself

Mr. ACCA - Reg Callanan
He'd never call himself Mr ACCA but that's how we think of him here in the college.
Reg Callanan has been teaching accounting since before we could spell the word, so when it comes to teaching ACCA, there's no one better in the game.
He was one of the college’s first prize winners himself, having achieved second place in Ireland.
Reg is regarded by many students as one of the best and most knowledgeable accounting lecturers in Ireland. He has lectured at all levels in accounting and is dedicated to achieving high pass rates with student groups. He has taught many prize winners; however, his focus is on achieving success for all students he teaches.
With Reg, it's all about the student. There's no hard sell, he loves our ACCA students and he loves sweets too....
In the last number of years Reg has taken a step back from lecturing on the Strategic Professional subjects to offer his support to our Financial Accounting students.
New students find themselves learning the basics from one of the top lecturers in the country. You couldn't ask for more!
In addition, Reg is offering his knowledge and guidance to anyone who needs it. He wont give you all the answers but he will point you in the right direction with any questions related to ACCA.
You can contact if you would like a Zoom with Reg.