Transforming Traditions: Griffith College & St. Maurs GAA Clubhouse Redesign

Interiors Project

The Griffith College Design Faculty teamed up with St. Maurs GAA club to propose a fit-out for their clubhouse in Kenure Park, Rush, Co Dublin. The exciting brief was to redesign the entrance area, making it a warm, welcoming space that celebrates the club's achievements as it approaches its centenary. The design needed to include artwork, photos, and modern elements, all within a limited budget from fundraising efforts. Students were also asked to consider enhancing the car park entrance to boost the overall appeal. 

At the start of the year, the club hosted our second-year Level 8 BA (Hons) in Interior Architecture and our Level 7 BA in Interior Architecture & Design students for a site visit. Emma Leonard from the GAA club thanked Griffith College lecturer Gwen Kenny and the students for their enthusiastic participation, noting the exceptional talent and professionalism displayed. She remarked that the future of design is bright with such remarkable individuals. 

Interiors Project

After careful review, the St Maurs GAA club announced the winning team: Rebecca, Dave, and Lorna! 

Certain areas of their project stood out, such as: 

  • Remarkable detail, showcasing high professionalism and creativity. 

  • Outdoor design, particularly the changing room murals, which resonated deeply with the Executive Team. 

  • Inclusion of signage, addressing previously unnoticed issues and adding significant value. 

  • A well-received colour scheme and 3D logo at the clubhouse entrance. 

The club was thrilled with the winning design, which not only met but exceeded their expectations. They plan to integrate several aspects of this project into the final design, with refurbishment set to begin in early 2025. Each winning team member received a €75 One4All voucher. 

We can’t wait to see the finished project!