Your Short Guide to CAO Available Places

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Available Places can be a confusing part of the CAO process, almost like a secret. This article will explain available places and how you can use them!

What are Available Places?

Available Places is a list of courses that have yet to be filled by CAO applicants. The courses are still open to applications, so if you’re still not sure about your current choices, you can change your CAO form to include these courses.

Should I use Available Places?

Don’t apply to Available Places just to apply. Look at your current course choices, and if you have any doubts about your choice, take a look at Available Places courses.

Where can I see the Available courses?

You can see all the current Level 7 and Level 8 Available courses here.

How do I add a new course?

To sign in, go to the ‘My Application’ section of the CAO website and locate the 'Available Places' tab.

When do Available Places open?

Available Places open on the 29th of August at 12:00 p.m.

Need more info?

Check out this handy CAO video on how the process works!

If you have any further questions, please contact us at -

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