Faculty of Computing

“Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you want to pursue a career in the 21st century, computer programming is an essential skill to learn”

- Stephen Hawking

Industry guest speakers at Griffith College
What is Computing?

Computing Science is the study of computers, their possibilities, their use, their design and their limitations. It is about using computers to solve interesting and challenging problems. It encompasses the systematic design of reliable and efficient computer programmes, information processing systems, computer architecture, and intercommunication networks.

Work Placement
Prepare for the world of work

The full-time BSc (Hons) in Computing Science allocates a 6-month work placement in its third year, enabling students to gain invaluable experience in an I.T.-related work environment. Individual subject certification is available throughout the faculty, thus allowing students to specify in areas of interest and prepare for their ideal career.

High Academic Profile
High academic profile

The Computing Faculty lecturing staff have a high academic profile with PhD holders distinguished in their fields. Plus, a good student / lecturer ratio ensures that students will get the mentoring and one-to-one attention required to maximise their learning.

Computing Creative Show
Creative Show

Computing is one of the faculties featured at the annual Creative Show, giving students the opportunity to present their work in diverse fields to a wide audience. Subfields represented have included Computer Graphics, Games Development & AI.

Computing industry guest speakers
Industry guest speakers

Renowned industry speakers share their insights into the fundamentals of Computing Science and the I.T. industry, offering students invaluable career advice and the opportunity to build a network within the industry.

Want to Learn More about our Computing Faculty?

Learn more about our Computing Faculty from Waseem Akhtar, Head of Computing, by clicking the video below.

What Our Students & Alumni Say

We followed up with some past & current students to see what a difference their Computing course at Griffith College has made to them.

Shubham Nitin Patil

The MSc in Computing is a technical course which mainly focuses on upgrading programming skills, building android and cloud applications and researching deep into a topic and study about building search engines. The level of studies at Griffith College is helping me to upgrade my computer programming skills, and it also makes me more confident about speaking with people and presenting in front of groups.

Shubham Nitin Patil MSc in Computing
Daniel Boyle

The BSc (Hons) in Computer Science changed my entire view on learning and my understanding of technology. My course is heavily Java based, with this in mind the course itself is challenging at times but always has exciting elements to it. I think this is due to all the technologies (new and old) we learn about and how they were and are going to be used. The skills that I am learning will be extremely beneficial in the future when I seek employment.

Daniel Boyle BSc (Hons) in Computing Science

What's new in the Computing faculty...