BA (Hons) in Communications and Media Production

3 Years Full-Time
Validated by
Dublin Main Campus
NFQ Level
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Course Overview

Take the first steps in your media career on this varied and exciting course

This honours degree course enables students to gain practical media skills and build an industry-class portfolio across a range of media.

Why Study Communications and Media Production at Griffith College?

Communications is a fast-paced and, in today’s technology-driven environment, growing industry that offers a huge variety of job roles. Griffith’s BA (Hons) in Communications and Media Production is a full-time, three-year programme that aims to give students a foundation in an array of communications platforms including social and digital media, photography, radio, investigative journalism, TV and video. The course is heavily project-based and the introduction of specialised streams in Years 2 and 3 allows learners to influence the path their studies take them down depending on where their interests lie. In this course students will:

  • Develop practical skills through work on traditional media (newspaper, TV and radio) and new media (digital, social media and mobile journalism).
  • Gain a solid understanding of media theory, media communication and media production.
  • Contribute to the college newspaper, radio station and digital portal.
  • Build a portfolio of work and gain knowledge of the most up to date technologies.
  • Influence your career path with specialisation in four elective choices.
  • Have access to state-of-the-art facilities on campus including radio station, photography studio and film and TV studio.
  • Be able to access a National Union of Journalists press pass.

Graduates of the programme will also have the option to progress onto any of Griffith's three specialist media master's degree programmes.

Intake Dates

  • Dublin - Full-Time - February 2025
  • Dublin - Full-Time - February 2025
  • Dublin - Full-Time - September 2025

Are you applying through the CAO?

Check out our CAO HUB for everything you need to know about applying through the CAO!

Course Codes

  • Dublin: GC450


Estaphania Aurora Bedoya Soto
I love learning new things, so all the challenging theories and currents of thinking from the course brought me so much diversity and light to my life to the point where I cannot watch any media without the filter of theory and knowledge.
Estaphania Aurora Bedoya Soto
BA (HONS) in Communications & Media Production
Aizatty Sultan
During my time at Griffith College, I found that the course BA in Communications and Media Productions has fully equipped me professionally after graduation. I acquired academic skills and knowledge from the modules as well as interpersonal skills.
Aizzaty Sultan
BA in Communications & Media Production

Course Details

In first year, all students take the same core modules.

In second year, students choose to either continue their study in Stream A (journalistic media) or Stream B (visual media).

In third year, students choose three electives suited to their stream to accompany their mandatory modules. They may also choose from the common electives list. Stream A or B modules in year three are only available if students have completed the respective modules in year two.

Course Modules

The module is designed to introduce learners to the diverse world of digital media. The module aims to provide learners with the ability to use software and develop an online digital media platform, and be able to apply this learning to produce an online space for sharing high-impact writing and content. Learners are also introduced to the techniques and design principles of modern digital and print production. Learners become familiar with the technology used in the communications industry.

The module aims to enable learners to explore basic photographic principles and camera settings, with an emphasis on images within communications media.

Learners who successfully complete this module gain an understanding of Photoshop and its basic tools for resolution, formatting, image capture and image manipulation.

Practical assignments provide learners with the experience necessary to use to their advantage the technical and digital resources available to them. Learners begin using smartphones to generate images, moving then to digital cameras. Learners will be able to replicate the skills acquired in-camera control, image capture and manipulation on their mobile devices.

The module aims to make learners aware of how society affects the opinions and actions of groups and individuals. It examines the origins of the study of society, the changes brought about by the industrial revolution in western society and their impact on the rest of the world. It makes learners aware of how social class membership, gender, power and affluence affect the life chances, actions and opinions of groups and individuals in a socially reproduced process. The module explains the practical relevance of sociological research into groups, events and issues in society.

This module aims to develop learners’ writing skills in the areas of punctuation, grammar, structure, syntax and Harvard referencing so that they can produce well-written academic essays. The module has the objective of developing learners’ research skills, and cultivating learners’ presentation skills, their confidence in presenting, capacity to develop and critique an argument, and their capacity to prepare well for pitches and presentations using appropriate software and application of research skills. The module also aims to nurture and enhance learners’ note-taking and study skills, online and offline research skills, and to cultivate an informed awareness of contemporary social, political, cultural and economic issues.

This is a practical module which aims to equip learners with basic skills in video in the following key areas:

1.Research and concept development

2.Video production (image and sound) technique and approach

3.Visual storytelling and sequencing

4.Editing (technical skill and basic craft)

Learners make a series of short factual vlogs to build practical skills introduced week by week. Each learner makes a short documentary/news/ factual video on a topic of their choosing approximately 3- 5 minutes in duration, for multi-platform distribution for delivery on the final week.  

The module provides an analysis of the historical evolution of human communication. The world we live in today is one where humans communicate and share information in an ever-growing range of media, from text to satellites, from billboards to blogs. The module introduces learners to the key events and epochs in the history of human communications. Learners analyse the impact of key changes in communications media, starting from the earliest known forms of media, through to the invention of the printing press, the emergence of a literate reading public, the development of newspapers, the invention of radio, film and television, and into the digital age.

The module aims to equip the learner with the fundamental principles of media law in order to be able to work within the legal boundaries as a media professional.

It also aims to provide a solid grounding in media ethics for journalists and to give learners the tools with which to make professional ethical decisions.

The aim of this module is to introduce learners to analysing media. During the course of the module learners look at a variety of media and related issues and how they can be interpreted and understood. It looks at how the media is studied and how as media users we consume its various forms and products. It seeks to develop the learners’ analytical skills and allows them to gain an understanding of the reasons why media has a significant influence on wider society.

This module is designed to introduce learners to the basic prerequisites of radio production and broadcasting, to enable them to learn the skills necessary to work in radio production, research, reporting and presentation. There is an emphasis on writing for radio. Learners will also learn how to use studio based technical equipment. They learn about studio based recording and putting live programmes on air. Learners also be introduced to MoJo or Mobile Journalism that is recording, editing and uploading material on to their mobile phones. As well as classes with lecturers, there is a master class given by a guest lecturer, an experienced radio broadcaster.

This module aims to introduce learners to a variety of writing styles such as news, features and general content creation. Learners develop an understanding of the structures of these different styles of writing and how to adapt their style for particular audiences. Learners are also encouraged to engage with published material as a means of cultivating these skills. They are required to progress their presentation skills during the module as a means of explaining and elaborating on their story ideas.

This module supplies learners with a key link between the media content they produce on other modules and its commercial context. Learners become conscious of the marketing and advertising context of their work and how that impacts on measures of audiences, along with the regulatory, funding and intellectual property aspects of commercial media. As the sources of media revenue continue to change learners need an understanding of that process.

This module aims to enable the learner to introduce learners to the working of contemporary society.  This enables them to analyse key issues in social and political development.

The objective of this module is that learners will develop their thinking and analytical skills beyond the scope introduced in Understanding Society.  Learners are expected to build a habit of independent reading and inquiry into complex societal issues, both in a domestic and international context.  Learners get experience comparing and contrasting different opinions, interpretations and theories on contemporary political issues.  This module enables learners to generate independent academic views on societal issues.

To enable learners to attain the practical skills required to initiate, plan, research, write, edit and sub-edit quality news reports, feature articles and content for specific audiences; to equip learners with a practical and theoretical understanding of interview skills, pitching stories, freelancing, ‘news values’ and spot news, such as the reporting of demonstrations; to embed a critical awareness of the dynamics of a democratic public sphere and the role of a free press in maintaining it; and to design and publish as part of a team, a hardcopy magazine.

This module is designed to build on learner’s knowledge of radio production and broadcasting, to enable them to greatly improve on their existing skills and prepare them fully to work in a professional broadcast environment with an emphasis on production, research, reporting and presentation. Documentary making is also part of this curriculum. A key component is advanced writing for radio. Learners also advance their technical skills in a major way both in studio and outside broadcasting. Learners also increase their skills in MoJo or Mobile Journalism that is recording, editing and uploading material on to their mobile phones.

This module significantly increases the learners' skills base.  Building on the learning from Photography 1, the learners bring their work to commercial standards of expertise and artistry. Studio lighting and digital imaging techniques using industry-standard software form the main body of the module.  A more practical approach increases the learner photographers’ confidence in their own capacity.

This module provides learners with comprehensive instruction in the techniques and theories of building meaning and messages through visual design. To do this, the module analyses how we express our experience and communicate our intentions through both the reading of images and the process of image making. Learners are introduced to design as a process, which emphasises research and analysis as key parts of the designer’s workflow. Through this, learners learn about visual problem solving and concept development. Learners also learn key technical skills that allow them to plan, construct and develop layout and graphic design media to a professional standard.

This module concentrates on visual media within the context of the history of photography and art. The module is designed to build on the skills already developed in stage 1 Media Studies modules.  The module provides learners with a deeper knowledge of the history of photography and art.  It seeks to educate learners in the relationship of photography within the visual arts, including film.  It educates learners in critical and analytical appraisal of photography, and encourages them to express and qualify their own opinions in relation to visual media.

This module examines a number of research methods that have been used by media outlets, reported on by media organisations and applied to media content. Topics include designing questionnaires, quantitative content analysis, interviewing (with specific focus on social research), focus groups and observation methods. The course aims to familiarise learners with the main research theories and concepts and to enable learners to acquire skills in the research process including planning, data collection and analysis. The module also addresses the issue of ethics in research and the role and responsibilities of the researcher as distinct from a journalist.

The module aims to develop knowledge of a range of approaches and techniques applicable to video production and impart the skills required to produce a short individual documentary and collaborative group project from concept to final completion.

This is a project led, hands-on practical module that aims to build upon the skills and knowledge gained as part of Video Production 1 and develop learners overall creative and technical production abilities.

Learners work independently on short videos 2min in duration and collaboratively as part of creative and logistical production teams in order to bring, group documentary project 4-7 min in duration, through the various stages of pre-production, production/filming and post-production, gaining experience and understanding of the overall creative and technical process based on industry practice.

The module aims to impart a theoretical understanding of the genre of investigative journalism, its history, and its crucial role in maintaining democratic societies. The module develops learner’s genre-specific media production skills, and uses case studies to demonstrate the power and impact of high quality investigative journalism. The module aims to cultivate media team-working skills among learners and to boost confidence in their own skills of story identification, investigation, interview and writing as well as content promotion. The module aims to bring contemporary publication design and visual communication principles to the production of online and print publication.

The module aims to give learners the skills necessary to produce websites and understand the key issues of online communication, through the practical utilisation of various computer applications and by studying existing media. The module aims to give the learner the skills required to produce a high quality website.

The module aims to give learners an understanding of the working of the international political order and how it is related to the global economic system. It also seeks to give them an understanding of how the political system at a regional and a national level works and how these interact with the wider society. Having studied Understanding Society and Contemporary Politics 1 at stages 1 and 2 of the programme, the overall objective here is to build on this underpinning knowledge and to facilitate learners in attaining a well-rounded grasp of some of the main political and economic forces which shape modern Irish, European and global society.

The module aims to instil in learners an understanding of how a sociological perspective of the media reveals the media’s role in human socialisation, and its influence on crafting, as well as reflecting, the values of our society. Learners are taught to use the analytical tools of ‘agency’ and ‘structure’ to focus on their industry in a critical and evaluative manner, viewing media as one, among many, institutions in society.

This module aims to equip learners with a background knowledge of role of media in covering historical and contemporary conflicts.  It also encourages learners to critically evaluate media coverage of conflicts and thinks through the problems involved in the accurate coverage of conflict.  The objective of this module is to enable learners to work as journalists covering conflicts, to familiarize themselves with works of classic reportage, to develop a theoretical understanding of the origins of war and conflict, and to consider the ethical implications of conflict reportage

The module explores the nature of creativity itself and develops skills in the complementary processes of developing, structuring, editing and presenting texts in a variety of media. Learners develop knowledge of the terminology and tools required for script production in prose and in theatre, film and television drama. It enhances the learners’ poetic writing skills.  The module also imparts knowledge of the development of narrative through history, focussing especially on the modernist and post-modernist interrogation of narrative conventions.

Learners get to understand the principal elements of dramatic narrative: conflict, character, contrast, movement, theme, dialogue, description and narration and have an enhanced appreciation of their own creative process and of the need for precision in poetic writing. Learners develop skills in the medium, or mediums, best suited to their talents and interests.

The section on narrative history enables learners to place their own work, and the present narrative ‘landscape’, in a historical context. There is also a section on the business aspect of dealing with agents and publishers, and producers for work in film, TV and theatre.

This compulsory module takes the form of a written or practical dissertation where learners bring all of their prior learning, skills and experience to bear at one time. Through close contact with tutorial staff, while exploring their subject matter and conducting research, they achieve an academically and/or professionally demanding piece of work in written form or in practical and written form. Excellent output is required.

Learners choosing to submit a written dissertation will propose to research a subject of their choosing, relevant to work in or on communications media. Through close contact with tutorial staff, while utilising acquired research methodologies, they achieve a stimulating piece of academic analysis, demonstrating critical depth and breadth. Excellent output is required.

Visual stream learners may opt for a predominately practical submission, with learners bringing prior learning, skills and experience to bear at one time. Through close contact with tutorial staff, while practising their visual media techniques, they achieve a visually exciting and stimulating portfolio piece with accompanying academic analysis and breadth. Excellent output is required.

The course is intended to address the ways in which the film text is intermeshed with a whole set of economic, technological, social and cultural practices. It provides a theoretical grounding not just in critiquing film texts but also shed light on the development of film as an industry and technology, the role that government and state have played in relation to film production and exhibition, as well as the larger socio-cultural context in which film is made and received.

Shorthand is a valuable skill for journalists.  Despite advances in recording technology, many situations still exist where for legal or interviewee preference reasons, the most suitable form of news gathering requires accurate and fast shorthand.

This module aims to:

  • Understand the need for good shorthand skills for journalists
  • Train in current best practices
  • Acquire substantial structured practice
  • Improve their shorthand skills

This section of the course explores what is meant by the word culture, what as Human beings we do with it and what it does to us. It raises a number of questions including how do we as individuals, and as groups, make sense of the world, and our place within it, and it analyses how these ways can be understood in terms of  ‘cultural processes’. It examines how cultural meanings are transmitted through different media, from the written word and the still image to electronic communication and how these cultural meanings impact on our sense of identity.

Over five terms, learners have encountered a range of media, communication, sociological and political theories. One of the objectives of the degree is to equip learners with the tools of critical thinking, enabling a deeper understanding of society and particularly the communicative environment of that society.

We set out to explain a number of cultural theories and to explore and apply these theories to contemporary cultural processes. We also want to look at current research in the media and communication arena and encourage learners to do some research of their own.

The Commercial Photography module aims to provide learners with an introduction to the technical skills and industry knowledge required to enter the field of commercial photography professionally. It builds on the previous two photography modules, and focusses on lighting techniques (on location and in studio) relevant to commercial practice and also focusses on creative concepts, professionalism, and industry standards. On completion of this module learners should have an understanding of how to carry out a photography brief from inception to post-production and final delivery.

This module is delivered via a programme of lectures, group and individual tutorials and practical demonstrations. There is a focus on professionalism in image making, developing technical skills while also developing communication and production skills.

The aims and objectives of the module are to explore how narrative functions in society and how function relates to structure.  It gives learners an enhanced understanding of the elements of narrative, allowing them to practise their own writing skills to an advanced level. The module gives learners the opportunity to speak articulately about their own writing and to critique the writing of others.  It helps learners to become familiar with their own creative process, and to enhance poetic writing skills.  The module provides learners with knowledge of the development of narrative through history, focussing especially on the modernist and post-modernist interrogation of narrative conventions.

Learners understand the principal elements of dramatic narrative: conflict, character, contrast, movement, theme, dialogue, description and narration. The integrated approach of the course allows people to develop skills in the medium, or mediums, best suited to their talents, be it prose (short stories, novels), film, theatre or poetry. Just as different mediums require separate skills, individual genres such as crime, romance, fantasy and film-noir have their own imperatives, as have the categories of comedy writing and children’s writing. The emphasis is on enabling learners to fashion vibrant, individual writing styles.

Writers can enhance the narrative options available to them by learning from – rather than inadvertently repeating – previous discoveries. For this reason we look at significant turning points in literary history and at styles ranging from modernism to magic realism. There is a special section on the business of dealing with agents and publishers, and producers for work in film, TV and theatre.

Building on the skills acquired in the Investigative Journalism and Production module, learners engage here with advanced investigative techniques and practice and aims to facilitate them in attaining the advanced investigative journalistic skills of research conception, relevance, planning and implementation. The module has the objective of creating a framework to allow learners to demonstrate an expertise through practice, of the research and writing skills acquired at earlier stages of the programme. Objectives include to deliver on time, self-directed, peer-reviewed, lecture-facilitated, professional quality investigative-based journalism; and to display an advanced understanding, from both an historical and contemporary perspective, the important role investigative journalism plays in the nurturing and maintenance of democratic societies. Additionally, the module aims to allow learners to demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of the social demand and economic viability of investigative journalism as a genre. The modules aims to further nurture the investigative techniques which are transferable skills applicable to wide variety of communications-related employment options.

Tá sé mar aidhm ag an modúl go mbeadh an foghlaimeoir in ann forbhreathnú agus tuiscint ghinearálta a fháil ar staid iriseoireachta comhaimseartha na Gaeilge measúnú criticiúil a dhéanamh ar na meáin sin agus feabhsuithe a mholadh.  Bíonn ar na foghlaimeoiri píosaí nuachta, sainailt nuachta and sainailt ginearálta réasúnta fada a scríobh agus foilseachán a bhaint amach trí obair a chur isteach chuig na meáin i rith an mhodúil.

This module aims to enable the learner to acquire an overview and general understanding of the state of contemporary Irish-language journalism.  Learners get to critically assess those media and to recommend improvements. They are required to write reasonably long news, news feature and general feature pieces, and to achieve publication through submission of work during the course of the module.

This module aims to promote learners as working media practitioners and to identify commercial and art based opportunities through their professional practice.  Learners acquire the skills necessary to produce and manage a portfolio of work tailored to their specialized areas of the creative industry in order to pursue their career or further studies.  Learners manage a photographic, or audio/visual media exhibition, and make a professional presentation of their work to a third party.  The module also aims to provide learners with the skills to adapt a flexible approach to existing and new technologies so they are equipped to deal with on-going changes within the media industry.

On completion, learners are able to confidently play a lead role in production teams in the production of web-based content. Learners also learn key technical skills that allow them to plan, construct and develop online media artefacts in a professional manner.

The aim of the module is to facilitate an understanding of the theory and principles of public relations.  Its ultimate aim is to equip learners with the practical skills and knowledge to make the transition from third level learning to the working environment.

Specific emphasis is put on the role of interpersonal communication and presentation skills in this module to prepare learners for employment by teaching them how to communicate effectively and to pitch public relations strategies to prospective clients and/or organisation directors. 

To hone the learners’ critical faculties with regard to the broader aspects of sport and its effect on society. To give learners the necessary tools to become a sports journalist, including sports writing, broadcast experience and interview skills. To give learners instructions on how to report on live events, how to find the real story and how to stand out above all the noise.

Classes look at the various practices of modern sports journalism, and examine the broader impact of sports reporting on modern society.

This module is designed to equip learners with the necessary skills to perform the roles and responsibilities of people working in a television studio, and to effectively use industry standard equipment techniques employed in a television studio.

This module builds on the core production skills already gained in Video Production 1 and Video Production 2 and enables learners to expand their production skills into multi-camera television studio programming.

This module aims to support and facilitate learners in becoming professional journalists, where “professional” means:

  1. Being trained to work as a journalist in news and current affairs;
  2. Developing editorial judgement applicable at every level of radio news production;
  3. Becoming Multi-skilled and technically competent in radio news production;
  4. Having advanced knowledge of the essential tools required to enter the field of radio news and current affairs journalism;
  5. Becoming Capable of exercising sound judgement in newsgathering and with regard to broadcasting information.

To facilitate the education of learners with writing skills that allow them to create games with a powerful impact.

To deliver an appreciation of the diverse strategies in game writing to further the development of the learner’s ability to reflect on his or her own work.

To teach learners how to read games critically as writers: to appreciate the decisions made by other writers in pursuit of their goals.

To provide mentorship for the creation of the learners’ own original works.



Timetables coming soon.

How to Apply

Entry Requirements

2 H5 and 4 O6/H7 grades, to include a language (English, Irish or another language) and maths or equivalent.

English Language requirements 

Griffith College is accepting the online Duolingo English Test (DET) as valid proof of English proficiency. 

For more information, please visit here.

How to Apply

Applicants under 23 years of age:

Applicants under 23 years of age on 1st of January of the year they wish to enter must apply through the CAO. Please consult the CAO website for information on important dates for applications.

CAO Code

  • Dublin - GC450

Applicants over 23 years of age (Mature students):

If you are 23 years of age on or before the 1st January of the year you want to enter, you may apply as a mature student. Mature and part-time applicants must apply directly. Mature students will be asked for a copy of their passport. Part-time applicants under 23 years on 1st January will be asked for a copy of their passport, Leaving Certificate results / FETAC qualifications or equivalent and must meet the minimum entry requirements for the programme.

When our Admissions team receives your application they will be in contact with you directly.

If you wish to apply for advanced entry onto the course, please apply directly and a member of our team will be in contact with you to discuss your application.


For purposes of fee calculation, residence is counted from the time of application.

Please note that not all study modes may be offered at all times; for confirmation, refer to the Intake dates on the Overview tab.

Tuition Fees

Study Mode: Full-Time

Dublin: EUR 6,500.00


Study Mode: Full-Time

Dublin: EUR 7,000.


Please refer to the Irish/EU Living Abroad Fees section.

Study Mode: Full-Time


Non-EU living in Ireland or abroad: Please refer to our Non-EU Tuition Fees section.


Non-EU students: a Student Services and Administration fee of EUR200 is payable each academic year in addition to the fees quoted below.




An Academic Administration Fee of €250 is payable each September at the start of term. For students starting in the January/February term, €125 is payable in February, and then €250 will be payable each September from then onwards. 

A 2% Learner Protection Charge is applicable each academic year in addition to the fees quoted. The fees above relate to Year 1 fees only.

Flexible payment options

Students wishing to pay their fees monthly may avail of our direct debit scheme. Please view our Fees information page for more information and assistance.


Is your company paying for your course?

They will need to complete a Griffith College Sponsorship Form and send this to the Student Fees Office:

  • Post: Student Fees, Griffith College Dublin, South Circular Road, Dublin 8
  • Email: [email protected]

2% Learner Protection Charge

All QQI accredited programmes of education and training of 3 months or longer duration are covered by arrangements under section 65 (4) of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 whereby, in the event of the provider ceasing to provide the programme for any reason, enrolled learners may transfer to a similar programme at another provider, or, in the event that this is not practicable, the fees most recently paid will be refunded.

QQI Award Fee

Please note that a QQI Award Fee applies in the final year of all QQI courses. To find the relevant fee for your course level, please see the Fees page.


Academic Progression

Graduates of this course have the option to continue their studies at Griffith College. We offer a number of options including:

You can contact our admissions team to discuss what progression options are available to you.

Career Progression

Through the BA (Hons) in Communications & Media Production, you will have gained valuable professional experience, built a strong portfolio and covered a diverse range of media. There is a wide range of career options for our graduates including:

  • Video production
  • Photography
  • Web Design
  • Graphic Production
  • Online Campaign Manager
  • Researcher and Journalist
  • Multimedia Specialist
  • Broadcast Journalist
  • Technical Writer
  • Advertising Account Manager

Ready to take the next step?