LL.B. (Hons) in Law

3 Years
Validated by
Full-Time / Part-Time / Blended Learning
Dublin Main Campus / Cork
NFQ Level
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Course Overview

Comprehensive, rigorous and enduring course that forms the perfect grounding for your legal career.

This three-year Honours degree is available on a full-time, part-time and blended learning basis.

Why Study Law at Griffith College?

Students will study core subjects and pick electives allowing them to tailor their degree to focus on key areas of interest including criminal law, human rights law or corporate law.

  • Graduates of this programme can go forward to sit the entrance examinations for the Honorable Society of King's Inns or The Law Society of Ireland should they wish to pursue a career as a barrister or solicitor.
  • Students will acquire highly transferable skills attractive to a wide range of businesses, both inside and outside of law, including banking, the civil service, media and other related disciplines.
  • Students can avail of individual career advice with work placement opportunities.
  • Students may also participate in our law-related extracurricular student activities, such as the Irish Innocence Project, and join our award-winning students in the Mooting and Debating Societies.
  • Students can avail of unique opportunities, including a summer internship in Philadelphia.
  • Students will have access to our panel of experienced law lecturers, many of whom are accomplished practitioners in their field.

Course Highlights

  • 3 year QQI Level 8 Degree
  • Recognised by the Honorable Society of King's Inns and the Law Society of Ireland
  • Extensive List of Subject Choices
  • Extracurricular Law-related Activities
  • Experienced and Legal Practitioner Lecturers
  • Extensive Library Facilities and Legal Research Databases

Intake Dates

  • Cork - Part-Time - September 2025
  • Dublin - Blended - September 2025
  • Dublin - Full-Time - September 2025

Are you applying through the CAO?

Check out our CAO HUB for everything you need to know about applying through the CAO!

Course Codes

  • Dublin: GC403

Student Testimonials

See what some of our past students had to say.

Ayomide Law Student

The LLB Hons program provided an excellent foundation for my legal career. The support and guidance from the lecturers were exceptional throughout my studies. I’m eager to apply what I’ve learnt in practice and I feel well prepared for the challenges ahead

Ayomide Awosokanre

LL.B. (Hons) Class of 2024


The LL.B. was a fantastic experience. The years I spent studying at Griffith College were really something to write home about. At the moment I am completing my LL.M. in Law in University of London and what I have learnt when doing my LL.B. has transpired into what I am doing now.
I would like to thank the great lecturers on the LL.B. Programme who explained and helped me understand what I can do after my undergraduate degree and which route to follow.

Ekwutosi Nnaji

LL.B. (Hons) Graduate 2023

Danae Jayme Looney

I really enjoyed the small community and my lecturers really cared about me and gave the time and attention to me when studying the LL.B.

Danae Jayme Looney

LL.B. (Hons) Graduate 2023

Precious LLB LAW PT

Going back to college was a terrifying thought until I was accepted at Griffith College. It does not matter your background age, color or your appearance. Griffith College staff and everyone involved with students are right next to you. They have shown me that everyone is a Hero in their story. And my story is that we all can achieve what we aim towards. when you fall in Griffith Collage they are there to pick you up and remind you why you matter. That is how Griffith College was and always will be to me. And it can be for you too.

Precious Shabalala

LL.B. (Hons) Part-Time

Law graduate

I was drawn to Law at Griffith College because of the small class sizes, and stimulating active participation and discussion with fellow students. During the LL.B., I competed in The Irish Times Debate Competition, National Moot Court Competition, and the National Negotiation Competition and was selected for the Chief Justice Summer Internship Programme. I believe that my engagement in extra-curricular activities combined with the skill-set and knowledge I developed through the course significantly enhanced my career progression.

Helen Hewston

LL.B. (Hons) Full-Time

Course Details

September Intake:

The LL.B. is three years in length. Students will study core subjects and pick additional subjects ("electives") allowing them to tailor their degree to their own interests and needs. This allows the student to focus on key areas that they are interested in such as criminal law, human rights law or corporate law.

Students can elect to study the programme full-time, part-time or via blended learning.

Full-time students will have classes generally Monday to Thursday from 9am - 6pm.*

* Students pick three electives in year two and three to four electives in year three depending on subjects chosen. Elective choices may require full-time students to attend classes from 6pm to 8pm.

February Intake:

The February Intake of the LLB (Hons) is designed to allow learners complete the Programme in 3.5 academic years. This allows learners to take their Year 1 Modules over 1.5 academic years. 

Learners on the February Intake commence their studies with two core law modules taken over: Introduction to Law and Legal Skills and Information Technology Skills. On successfully completing the February Intake, learners progress onto the September Intake to take Law of Contract, Law of Tort and Criminal Law over one academic year. Learners progressing onto the September Intake can also choose (subject to numbers) the delivery option that works for them: full-time or blended learning. Taking core Year 1 modules over this longer academic period and with this choice of delivery suits many learners but is particularly suitable for learners balancing work/family commitments.

* Students pick three electives in year two and three to four electives in year three depending on subjects chosen. Elective choices may require full-time students to attend classes from 6pm to 8pm.


What is the difference between Full-Time, Part-Time and Blended?

Full Time: Students have on-campus classes subject to timetable scheduling and subject choices.

Part-Time: Students will have live-streamed lectures on designated evenings (usually 6 pm -10 pm* depending on modules). 

Blended: Students will be sent module recordings weekly via our student platform,  live webinars during the week and a maximum of 4 Saturday Classes on campus per semester.

New modules listed below will be live from the September 2024 intake

Stage One

The module aims to provide learners with a core understanding of the rules and principles that underpin the Irish legal system and an appreciation of the role of law in society. Learners are enabled, in particular, to understand and explain how the system of law developed and is developing, including knowledge of the hierarchy of legal sources and an understanding of types of legal rules and forms. The module also aims to enable learners to utilise and understand legal referencing and research tools.

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This module aims to develop the learner’s understanding of the fundamental doctrines and principles of the law of contract and to equip the learner with the ability to identify and explain practical problems that arise in contracts. It also has as a principal objective to instil knowledge of contractual obligations, particularly their creation and enforcement, and the discharge of liability. In addition, it will enable learners to comprehend and apply the appropriate remedies for breach of contract. Finally, this module aims to develop awareness in learners of contemporary industry practice surrounding the drafting of contracts. 

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This module aims to introduce learners to the origins and functions of tort law and offers key learning and skills in the foundational year. Students learn to distinguish between the theoretical and practical underpinnings of tort law compared to other areas of law, including contract law and criminal law. The module is designed to provide learners with a broad perspective by examining all key areas, including negligence, defamation, occupiers’ liability and trespass. Learners are equipped to understand and address the practical effect of tort law on day-to-day life, including the handling of psychiatric injury claims and employer liability. Learners are also familiarised with the defences and remedies available in tort actions, including contributory negligence and damages. Finally, the module aims to enable learners to apply tort law principles to different factual scenarios.

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This module allows learners to understand the key distinctions between civil and criminal law and is an essential foundational module of the programme. Key philosophical and theoretical concepts in criminal law are introduced to the learners and examined, including due process and complicity. The module also aims to provide learners with an understanding of the nature and elements of crime both in strict legal terms and its wider social context.

Learners are also provided with an understanding of each step of the criminal process and procedure, from the jurisdiction of the courts through to arrest, bail, detention and modes of trial. The module also familiarises learners with a number of specific offences, most especially offences against the person and offences against property. This module provides learners with knowledge and understanding of the defences to criminal charges as well as knowledge and understanding of reform proposals in criminal law. Finally, learners are enabled to apply their learning to practical factual scenarios.​

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This module aims to develop in learners the skills to effectively employ digital technologies and resources to support academic research. Students will develop an ability to evaluate digital tools to provide practical solutions to underpin their studies. In addition, it aims to develop learners’ capabilities in ICT skills necessary to operate in a legal and business environment.

Course content is designed to develop learners’ abilities to organise and manage their coursework and to implement digital solutions within their studies using IT applications and software. They will develop an understanding of the importance of security issues regarding digital content and communications.

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Stage Two - Mandatory Modules

The module aims to provide learners with a detailed knowledge of the rules of land law, at both a statutory and common law level. Key philosophical concepts are introduced and examined such as the distinction between equitable and legal interests and the distinction between freehold and leasehold interests.

From these core foundational concepts, the module then builds the knowledge of the learner over a broad range of areas including the settlement and trusts of land, succession law and securities on land. Learners also examine the hierarchy of legal interests over land ranging from freehold to easements and licences. Key procedural aspects of land law are also addressed, including the land registration systems used. Finally, learners are enabled to apply their learning to real-life, factual scenarios. 

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In this module, learners are able to engage in the theory and practice of company law. The module incorporates a broad range of learning, allowing learners to become familiar with important ingredients of company law, from both a common law and statutory perspective. Opportunities for reform of company law are also explored, for example in relation to the treatment of corporate manslaughter in Ireland.

The module places significant emphasis on the effects of the Companies Act 2014 while also placing this Act within the context of established common law practice and principles. The core principles and philosophical underpinnings of company law are presented, discussed and applied to factual scenarios.

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This module aims to provide the learner with a detailed understanding of fundamental principles of constitutional law and the rule of law as well as to familiarise the learner with the fundamental principles and substantive rules of Irish constitutional law. Primary objectives for this module also include for the learners to acquire an in-depth understanding of the doctrine of separation of powers, to familiarise the learner with the role of international legal instruments such as the ECHR in the constitutional order and finally to provide the learner with a knowledge of the substantive rules of constitutional law particularly in relation to fundamental rights and to develop in the learner an understanding of the impact of these rights in factual situations.

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This module aims to impart in learners written and oral advocacy skills which are central to legal professional training and to enable learners to prepare mock cases and argue the law on behalf of their clients. Following a series of introductory classes, learners draft a written memorial of legal submissions and then undertake a moot at the conclusion of the module. The module serves to train learners in analysing legal issues and to communicate well about them and to increase learners' abilities to solve problems and to see the practical application of law. Learners get opportunities to demonstrate an understanding of the ethics required to work with the legal sector and the importance of confidentiality and candour, identifying situations in which ethical behaviour and confidentiality appl

Stage Two - Electives

In this module, learners are enabled to evaluate the lawfulness of decision-making by public bodies, including the exercise of statutory discretion and jurisdiction. Learners are introduced to key concepts and remedies available in administrative law, including the doctrine of administrative unreasonableness, legitimate expectation and constitutional (and natural) justice. The module also examines the Judicial Review procedure in Ireland and the key remedies it offers. Learners further examine the development of Judicial Review and the types of decision that may now be challenged under this process.

The module also provides learners with an understanding of the practical operation of administrative law and judicial review enabling learners to apply the law to hypothetical, factual scenarios. In order to build on this learning, two specific bodies are then selected in the module to allow learners to analyse the practical operation of administrative law from two differing institutional perspectives.

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This module allows learners to understand and identify the tenets of the law of evidence in respect of criminal trials and civil hearings. Learners analyse the relevant statutory instruments, legislation and common law governing the rules of evidence. The module enables learners to discuss and evaluate the differing perspectives arising from the application of the rules of evidence by State authorities and defendants and identify potential reforms in the law of evidence.

In this module, learners also develop the ability to appraise and apply the relevant rules of evidence to hypothetical factual scenarios. This includes the ability to research information from library and online sources, including case reports and scholarly research, and to formulate and deliver an effective legal opinion in writing.

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Learners of international law should know how the system addresses problems related to global interdependence and integration; to this end, this module will amplify and examine how challenges to the international legal order are crucial for the world order, such as the use of force and conduct of war through a post-colonial lens. Throughout, the module will engage in a critical reflection on the legitimacy, efficacy and justice of the international system as it is currently configured. The principal goal of the course is to give a foundational knowledge and analytical tools that will equip learners to think deeply and rigorously about the role of law in the contemporary global system.

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This module comprises a specialized focus on patents, copyright, trademarks and industrial designs and the principles and legislation and caselaw regulating each.  In focus also will be the common law intellectual property rights of passing off and confidential information (and related caselaw). 

Learners critically analyse the law from both a practical and theoretical perspective in the context of a wide range of communications and commercial activities, both traditional and online.

This module affords learners an opportunity to undertake specialized learning relating to an important area of commercial practice in Ireland. The module provides learners with a knowledge of the historical development of Revenue Law and seeks to familiarise learners with a number of specific taxes including income tax, capital gains tax, capital acquisitions tax, corporate tax and VAT. Learners are further familiarized with the jurisdiction and administration of taxation law in Ireland. The module also examines the concepts of tax avoidance and tax evasion and the legal treatment of each. Finally, the module enables learners to employ research, analytical and communication skills to address hypothetical, factual scenarios.


This module enables learners to compare the international (United Nations) human rights law system and regional (e.g., European, Inter-American, and African) human rights law systems in conjunction with Irish domestic legal protections. They evaluate the various mechanisms and procedures for human rights law enforcement incorporating the legal skill, vocabulary and terminology acquired in the course.

The Law and Ethics in Healthcare module introduces learners to key ethical and legal concepts underpinning a specialised examination of global healthcare. Learners analyse and reflect upon the impact of legislation and case law, including the effectiveness of informed consent in the role of medical decision-making. Learners are also enabled to analyse a range of issues within their legal, ethical and Constitutional Law context, including human reproduction, termination of pregnancy and end of life decision-making. The Module also seeks to develop within the learner an appreciation of the ethical dimension to healthcare decision making, including the role of the State and professional bodies as we all as an awareness of the dissonance between theory and practice. An introduction to the Principles of Bioethics and role of autonomy in healthcare will also be incorporated. Finally, learners develop key technical skills relating to research and communication and are enabled to discuss and apply their knowledge to hypothetical, factual scenarios.

Stage Three - Mandatory Modules

This module examines equity, its maxims, doctrines and remedies and enables learners to understand the philosophical and practical importance of equity in the Irish legal system. The module provides learners with an understanding of the origins and historical development of equity, including its evolving relationship to Common Law. Learners then analyse a range of equitable remedies in detail and are enabled to understand the relationship of these remedies to each other. 

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This module aims to provide learners with a historical and political perspective on the development of the European Union and its impact on the domestic legal system. The module familiarises learners with the EU legal system and the operation of the Court of Justice of the European Union, as well as the language and concepts peculiar to it. 

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This module aims to provide the learner with a holistic understanding of the concepts of traditional jurisprudence, thereby encouraging the development of a critical, insightful and philosophical mind-set in the learner. It also aims to build the capacity of learners, in the light of their studies, to develop a critical perspective on other law subjects and to develop their skills in formal debate and reasoning.

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Stage Three - Electives

This module aims to enable learners to learn from the experience of researching and writing a substantial work on a legal topic. Further, it aims to provide the learner with an opportunity to develop research questions and to provide them with the skills to source relevant information to answer these questions. Finally, it has as ots primary objective to facilitate learners in sharpening their analytical and critical thinking processes through a systematic approach to presenting a unique analysis of the research question posed.

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This module aims to develop in the learner an understanding of the causes of miscarriages of justice and how they can be prevented and rectified. It will prepare them the learner for legal practice through experiential learning and clinical legal education.

As well, it aims to inspire and instil a human rights consciousness in the learner, foster learning in an ethical context, and give the learner an opportunity to approach the study of law practically through clinical legal experience on actual legal cases in a structured and confidential manner.

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This module aims to inspire in learners a passion for justice and human rights and educate learners in responsible clinical practice. It further seeks to develop a political, theoretical and practical understanding of the causes of miscarriages of justice. Finally, it seeks to provide learners with clinical legal placements within which to develop their capacity to understand and analyse the causes of miscarriages of justice and the mechanisms to prevent them.

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In this Module, learners are able to engage in the theory and practice of Corporate Governance and Financial Services Law. The Module begins by discussing the key elements of company law that relate to the creation and liquidation of companies and the relevant procedures that the learners learnt in Company Law module in advance of this module. It aims to develop the learner’s practical knowledge on these points before delving into more practical elements of these topics.

The objective of this module is to also examine the core principles and philosophical underpinnings of corporate governance and are presented, discussed and applied to factual scenarios including the processes around board meetings, correctly keeping set of accounts for organisations and correct means of filing all relevant reports with the relevant authorities.

The module aims to provide the learner with a holistic overview of the core elements of commercial law in Ireland, including knowledge of the historical development and present context of commercial law. The module also develops within the learner an understanding of core commercial law principles across a range of areas, including consumer protection, agency and competition law. The module enables learners to critically analyse the legal basis of certain commercial transactions, both domestically and internationally, and to critically analyse the law for the purpose of providing solutions to factual scenarios.

The Module covers a key area of specialized legal knowledge with significant importance for the operation of commercial and non-commercial organisations, both conventional and online, across the European Union. The Module aims to provide learners with a focused knowledge of privacy and data protection law with a particular emphasis on the General Data Protection Regulation and subsequent regulations and pieces of legislation. Learners are enabled to understand the importance, scope and hierarchy of privacy and data protection requirements, including the concept of consent and the scope of the remedies and penalties for non-compliance. The Module builds upon this knowledge by enabling learners to understand, examine and apply the protective, administrative practices necessary to comply with the law. Finally, learners are enabled to apply their learning to address a wide range of practical issues and to offer solutions to hypothetical, factual scenarios.

The aim of this module is to provide a detailed understanding of the complementary systems of alternative dispute resolution as a forum for dispute resolution and the practical skills involved, while considering the role of the courts in alternate dispute resolution.

This module aims to provide learners with the ability to identify the fundamentals of different modes of alternative dispute resolution: Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation and where each sits in the dispute resolution spectrum. 

Learners develop both an understanding of the primary aims of mediation, arbitration and conciliation within dispute resolution. Learners will learn about the underlying ethos of mediation, arbitration and conciliation through encouraging the removal of obstacles. 

The aim of this module is to provide you with a detailed and comprehensive knowledge of the legal challenges related to Artificial Intelligence, with particular emphasis on the UK as well as current international agreements. This will provide you with the opportunity to develop your knowledge surrounding how AI works, its role in society and how the law can regulate its use or how the law will incorporate the impact of AI into the pre-existing legal tests that currently exist. Another objective of this module is to familiarise learners with how AI will be impacting areas of law such as Intellectual Property Law. The module will also help the learner analysis new concepts such as rights of AI personhood. Finally, the module enables learners to employ research, analytical and communication skills to address hypothetical, factual scenarios.

Environmental Law and Sustainability module introduces learners to fundamental principles of environmental law (national, within the EU and internationally) from formation to termination including remedies, reforms and application of the law to a diverse range of practical situations developing the skills of research critical analysis evaluation and application. The module will begin with bringing the learners through the development of environmental law and sustainability to date. 

The aim of this module is to bring together academic rigour and practical knowledge and skills in the field of peacebuilding and reconciliation. The crucial relationship between the concept and practice of reconciliation, and the broader fields of peacebuilding, conflict transformation, human rights and development will also be examined. The module offers an introduction to the study and practice of reconciliation, with the work and experience of Glencree Peace and Reconciliation Centre informing its design and delivery. The programme explores the essential skills, tools, processes and frameworks required for building relationships across differences and divides. Throughout the module, learners will be encouraged to draw on their own experiences of difference, division and relationship building, and reflect on how these inform their ideas and views about reconciliation methods and techniques, and their motivation for studying this module. The module will place an emphasis on the insights into reconciliation that can be drawn from different cultural, spiritual and faith traditions around the world.

The Module introduces learners to a range of matters they may encounter within a Private Client civil legal office or practice. The Module aims to develop in learners the practical skills needed for taking instructions from clients and advising on key areas of law relevant to private practice including principles of employment law, family law, succession law and probate. The Module builds upon learning undertaken in Law of Contract, Tort Law and Introduction to Law and Legal Skills and aims to develop skills of fact analysis, identification of client goals, research, problem solving, presentation and basic drafting.


Stand Alone Modules

If you have recently graduated and wish to go on to Kings Inns to become a barrister, we offer stand-alone modules which you can study as a pre-requirement for entry to Kings Inns.

  • Administrative Law (Semester 1, September intake)
  • Jurisprudence (Semester 1, September intake)
  • Law of Evidence (Semester 2, February intake)
  • Equity and Trusts (linear Semester 1 and Semester 2, September intake)


Course Contacts

How to Apply

Entry Requirements

2 H5 and 4 O6/H7 grades, to include a language (English, Irish or another language).

English language

Griffith College is accepting the online Duolingo English Test (DET) as valid proof of English proficiency. For more information, please visit here

How to Apply

Applicants under 23 years of age:

Applicants under 23 years of age on the 1st of January of the year they wish to enter must apply through the CAO. Please consult the CAO website for information on important dates for applications.

CAO Code

  • GC403

Applicants over 23 years of age (Mature students):

If you are 23 years of age on or before the 1st  January of the year you want to enter, you may apply as a mature student. Mature students must apply to Griffith College directly online using the Apply Online facility on the website homepage or the button below. Mature applicants will be asked for a copy of their passport.


For purposes of fee calculation, residence is counted from time of application.

Please note that not all study modes may be offered at all times; for confirmation, refer to the Intake dates on the Overview tab.

Tuition Fees

Study Mode: Full-Time


EUR 7,350.00

Study Mode: Part-Time


EUR 6,500.00


EUR 6,500.00

Study Mode: Blended


EUR 6,500.00

Study Mode: Full-Time

Please refer to the Irish/EU Living Abroad Fees section.

Study Mode: Full-Time

Please refer to our Non-EU Tuition Fees section.

Non-EU students: a Student Services and Administration fee of EUR200 is payable each academic year in addition to the fees quoted below.


An Academic Administration Fee of €250 is payable each September at the start of term. For students starting in the January/February term, €125 is payable in February, and then €250 will be payable each September from then onwards. 

A 2% Learner Protection Charge is applicable each academic year in addition to the fees quoted. The fees above relate to Year 1 fees only.

Flexible payment options

Students wishing to pay their fees monthly may avail of our direct debit scheme. Please view our Fees information page for more information and assistance.


Is your company paying for your course?

They will need to complete a Griffith College Sponsorship Form and send this to the Student Fees Office:

  • Post: Student Fees, Griffith College Dublin, South Circular Road, Dublin 8
  • Email: [email protected]

2% Learner Protection Charge

All QQI accredited programmes of education and training of 3 months or longer duration are covered by arrangements under section 65 (4) of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 whereby, in the event of the provider ceasing to provide the programme for any reason, enrolled learners may transfer to a similar programme at another provider, or, in the event that this is not practicable, the fees most recently paid will be refunded.

QQI Award Fee

Please note that a QQI Award Fee applies in the final year of all QQI courses. To find the relevant fee for your course level, please see the Fees page.


Griffith College degrees are acknowledged worldwide for their quality and academic rigour.

The Griffith College law degree (LL.B. (Hons)) holders are eligible to sit the Law Society of Ireland, Final Examinations (Part 1).

The Griffith College law degree (LL.B. (Hons)) is also a law degree recognised by the Honorable Society of Kings Inns.

If you hope to enter a legal profession outside of this jurisdiction (Republic of Ireland), you should check the local requirements for legal practice and admission. It is your responsibility to find out the extent to which they will recognise the Griffith College law degree.

Academic Progression 

Graduates of this course have the option to continue their studies either through the completion of a postgraduate studies or by engaging in professional law courses at, for example, Law Society of Ireland or Honorable Society of Kings Inns.

The Law Faculty at Griffith College offer a number of  postgraduate study options including:

While the Professional Law School offers entrance examination preparation courses for both Law Society of Ireland Honorable Society of Kings Inns:

If you have recently graduated and wish to go on to Kings Inns to become a barrister, we offer stand-alone modules which you can study as a pre-requirement for entry to Kings Inns.

  • Administrative Law (Semester 1, September intake)
  • Jurisprudence (Semester 1, September intake)
  • Law of Evidence (Semester 2, February intake)
  • Equity and Trusts (linear Semester 1 and Semester 2, September intake)

You can contact our admissions team to discuss what progression options are available to you.

Career Progression 

Through the LL.B. (Hons), you will have gained valuable professional experience, built a strong foundation of critical analysis and presentation skills, and covered a diverse range of topics. The following are a range of career paths that will be open to you:

  • Solicitor
  • Barrister
  • Legal Secretary
  • Banking and Financial Services Counsel
  • Civil and Public Service
  • Non-Governmental, Human Rights and Charitable Sectors
  • Academics and Publishing
  • Commercial Contracts and IT Legal Counsel
  • Corporate Management and Human Resources
  • Arbitration and Mediation
  • Media, Journalism and Public Relations
  • In-House Legal Advisor
  • Pensions Administrator
  • Claims Advisor
  • Litigation Legal Executive

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