Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity in Griffith College
What is Academic Integrity?
Griffith College uses the NAIN definition and description of Academic Integrity, as appears in the NAIN Academic Integrity Guidelines. The excerpt below is from page 10 of that document (NAIN, 2021).
‘Academic integrity is the commitment to and demonstration of honest and moral behaviour in an academic setting’.
It assumes that all interactions with the higher education institution are approached with the value system of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage. This includes all documentation and artefacts submitted to the institution for academic purposes. Responsibility for demonstrating academic integrity lies with the enrolled learner.
Can I use AI in any of my assessments?
Well, that depends!
The first source of information will always be your lecturer who sets the assignment.
Each module leader/lecturer decides whether the students taking that module can use AI or not, and if they can, what they are allowed or not allowed do with AI.
There are stepped levels ranging from "No AI allowed", through to "Using AI for Idea Generation" and up to "Permission allowed as long as you document everything". The specific policy is here.
And here's a visual:
Resources in Griffith College
- Your Lecturers and faculty!
- Moodle pages: Registered students have access to a Moodle Course: Academic Integrity
- Checking the policy: Visit Learner Policies & Procedures | Griffith College
- For policy questions: Contact
- Digital Technology Support: Digital Learning Supports | Griffith College or email
- Library: Open during college hours and website Griffith College Library or email