Moodle - Learning Portal
Information for Students
Moodle is the College's main resource for student notes, class videos, assignments, timetables etc.
You should have automatically received an email with your username and password details after you have completed registration.
Login information:
Moodle supports Griffith's Single Sign On (SSO) system. This means your username is your Griffith e-mail address (usually firstname.surname@student.griffith.ie), and your password is initially set to your date of birth.
If you have not yet registered, you must do so on MyGCD before you can access Moodle.
Resetting passwords:
Information for Lecturers
You should automatically receive an email with your username and password details to login to Moodle when you join the College. If you have not received this email please contact your Course Administrator and ensure they have you enrolled correctly on the modules you are teaching. They will then liaise with the IT department on your behalf if necessary.
Resetting passwords:
Staff and lecturers must contact helpdesk@griffith.ie or phone +353 1 4150499 to reset their password.
Moodle App
Moodle HQ provides a native Moodle app in the Play Store or Apple Store.
Install the app, choose Griffith College as your institution, and enjoy many of Moodle's features on your mobile.
Please note that the mobile app does not support all Moodle features. For a full feature set, please use a laptop or desktop to access Moodle.
Play Store app - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.moodle.moodlemobile
Apple Store app - https://apps.apple.com/ie/app/moodle/id633359593