Sign into Zoom

Steps to sign into your own Zoom account

1. Launch the Zoom Client.

2. Click on Sign In with SSO to the right of the sign-in screen:

3. This will take you to a screen where you enter the Company Domain. Type in griffith and click on Continue

4. Enter your SSO details - for staff it would be your account details and for students use your account details

5. Next you will be directed back to the Zoom website where you will likely be asked if you would like to Open Zoom. Confirming this action will open the Zoom client you have installed on your computer.

How to check which account I have logged in on the Zoom client?

If you have multiple Zoom accounts, you may need to verify which account you have logged in before you start or join a meeting. Otherwise, you will join the meeting with the wrong Zoom account.

1. Launch the Zoom client.

2. Click the profile icon on the upper right corner of this screen.

3. You can check on the email address of the account you signed in. For Griffith staff, it would be (staff) and student it would be And you can see the user type shown on the right is "Licensed".

4. If the current sign in account is not the one you like to start/join the meeting, click "Sign Out".