Our people - Eddie Fitzgibbon

Eddie Fitzgibbon

Eddie Fitzgibbon

Associate Lecturer

Location: Cork

Phone: 021-4507027

Email: eddie.fitzgibbon@griffith.ie

Development Activities

Academic Qualifications
BComm Hons (UCC), Member Chartered Accountants Ireland, Certificate in Training and Education (GCC)


Eddie trained as a Chartered Accountant with the big 4 accounting firm EY, in Cork. He gained extensive experience in the areas of Auditing and Financial Accounting during his 8 years with the firm. He subsequently took up an appointment as Accountant at DAA Cork Airport, going on to become Head of Finance with the company in Cork. During his over 20 years at the Airport, he had overall responsibility for the Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, and Capital Expenditure functions, as well as New Systems Development and implementation. He joined Griffith College as lecturer in the Business Faculty in 2016 and has taught Financial Accounting, Auditing, Performance Management and Accounting Information for Managers.

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