Our people - Jacqui Tracey

Jacqui Tracey

Jacqui Tracey

Senior Lecturer
Griffith College Professional Academy
Associate Lecturer

Location: Dublin Main Campus

Room: D106

Phone: 01-4163394

Extension: 394

Email: jacqui.tracey@griffith.ie

Development Activities

Academic Qualifications
Master of Business Studies (HRM); Postgraduate in Teaching Learning; Postgraduate in Research Methods, PhD Candidate/Researcher


Jacqui is a Lecturer and Programme Director in the Business Faculty, she lectures in the areas of Marketing, Management, HR Management and Employee Relations. Jacqui graduated from the Smurfit School of Business UCD with a Master of Business Studies (HRM). She also graduated from DIT with PG in Teaching and Learning and in 2016 Jacqui graduated from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland with a Postgraduate in Research Methodology. 

Jacqui is currently pursuing her PhD with the University of Strathclyde, Scotland and the University of Applied Science in Dortmund, Germany. Jacqui’s PhD research examines ‘Employee Diversity and Entrepreneurship’ within Small to Medium Enterprises in Ireland.  Over the past two years, Jacqui has presented academic research papers at various conferences including; RENT Conference Croatia, EURAM, European Academy of Management Paris, Uddevalla, London, and BAM, British Academy of Management, Newcastle.

Research Interests

Entrepreneurship, Employee Diversity, Absorptive Capacity, Knowledge Workers