Get on your bike

Photo of person cycling

John Molohan and Eoin Carroll have decided to be 2018 Griffith College ‘cycling ambassadors’ and we wanted to share the following with you…….

As we all settle into the start of a new year we thought it might be an opportune time to encourage the take up of a new habit with some incredible benefits.

With the new Luas cross city line already causing chaos with rush hour traffic collectively we’re all losing more of our lives to the daily commute but one mode of transport offers a chance to change that – get on your bike!

Wait a minute… Get out of my warm car/bus/tram and onto a bike, why?

  • Cycling is fun
  • You’ll be healthier and live longer
  • You’ll have more money in your pocket
  • Cycling is an adventure
  • Cycling gives you freedom
  • Cycling is the quickest mode of transport in an urban environment for trips up to 6kms – get your life back
  • 3 hours of cycling per week can reduce your risk of heart disease by 50%
  • Help fight climate change - the average car produces 1.3 tonnes of carbon emissions. A bike produces none
  • Cycling speed is approximately three times that of walking speed
  • Based on 2015 statistics, if you cycle you might only get wet 35 times a year (or 13% of the 261 work days a year)

What can Griffith College do to help me make that change?

  • We participate in the Cycle to Work scheme so you can claim tax relief and spread the payments for purchasing a bike and related accessories (more info below).
  • We provide showers on campus for those of you whose commute might require them (located in B block).
  • We have ample bike rack space to lock up at in convenient locations around the campus
  • We are providing 150 covered spaces in the GHR car park - for those of you with really shiny bikes J
  • We have joined the Dublin Cycling Works campaign - a group of organisations calling for segregated cycling infrastructure for their employees, customers and students to travel safely throughout Dublin.

The Cycle to Work Scheme is a tax incentive scheme

The Cycle to Work Scheme is a tax incentive scheme 

Under the scheme Griffith College can pay for bicycles and bicycle equipment for our staff and lecturers and then staff and lecturers pay back same through a salary sacrifice arrangement over a period up to 12 months*. The staff member and lecturers are not liable for tax, PRSI or the Universal Social Charge on their repayments. For example if you pay tax at the higher rate, your net cost of a bike will be about 50% approximately (as it depends on everyone personal tax situation). The scheme applies to new bicycles and pedelecs (electrically assisted bicycles which require some effort from the cyclist). It does not cover motorbikes, scooters or mopeds.

For more information and details on the exact terms and conditions of the scheme, feel free to contact Katherine Sheehan

* Permanent staff can make repayments over 12 months. Staff on short-term contracts, for e.g. part-time lecturers on 3 month contracts must make full repayments within the contract term.

Still not convinced?

If you have any general queries about cycling to work, routes, safety etc. and would like some informal advice one of our cycling ambassadors would love to help.

Regards and happy cycling!