Griffith College Win Big at Cork Digital Marketing Awards 2024

Digital Marketing Awards Griffith College Cork

Marion Courtney, Career & Industry Liaison Officer, Griffith College Cork; Rob Horgan, President of Cork Chamber; Sinead O'Dea, Deputy Head of Campus, Griffith College Cork and Annie FitzGibbon, Director of Member Services at Cork Chamber at this year’s Cork Digital Marketing Awards. 
Photo by Darragh Kane.

Griffith College received the top prize at the Cork Digital Marketing Awards 2024. As we celebrate our 50th anniversary as a third-level college, we were honoured to be named the Digital Marketing Legend 2024 at the event hosted by Cork Chamber. We also picked up the award for Best Digital Marketing Team 2024. 

Reflecting on the win, Sinéad O’Dea, our Deputy Head of Cork Campus, expressed how much it means to everyone involved. "We are delighted and honoured to receive the Overall Digital Marketing Legend award for 2024 along with the Best Digital Marketing Team award," she said.

cdma 2024 winner

This achievement is no small feat, as Sinéad points out, "It is testimony to the superb work undertaken by the team here. Digital platforms are a key way in which the College promotes its undergraduate, postgraduate and professional courses to potential learners nationwide."

Sinéad highlighted our significant investments to ensure our digital marketing efforts are engaging and impactful. "We have invested considerable resources," she explained, "and we benefit greatly from collaborating with our colleagues nationally and working alongside fantastic agency partners."

Sinéad concluded by thanking Cork Chamber and our industry peers for the recognition, saying, "Thank you to Cork Chamber and our industry colleagues for this recognition in what is Griffith College’s 50th anniversary year."

Griffith College marks its fiftieth anniversary in 2024. You can learn more about the events happening this year on our GC50 page.