Design Communications students and lecturers take part in Creatives Against Covid-19 campaign

Collage of Creatives Against COVID-19 art

Griffith College is proud to see the work of our Design Communications students and staff go on sale as part of the Creatives Against COVID-19 campaign. Initiated by Dublin-based creative design agency, RichardsDee, the campaign called on the creative industry to design and donate inspiring posters of optimism, resilience, and hope.

Focusing around the theme of ‘Soon,' the campaign has seen over 1200 submissions from over 30 countries and has been instrumental in raising awareness of, and funding for, two very worthy charities - Women’s Aid and ISPCC Childline. For children in vulnerable situations or women facing the fear of domestic abuse, isolation does not just impact their ability to get fresh air, but can be detrimental to their health and safety. Campaigns like this aid funding for crucial support services to help these individuals through an otherwise very difficult time.

We’d like to say a massive thank you to BA (Hons) in Design Communications lecturers Martina Moloney and Fintan Wall, as well as students Appelonia Chao Opembe, Hai Long and Masa Lijie Yan for their wonderfully thought-provoking entries.

All of their work can be purchased online here using the links below:

Our lecturers

Our students

See their work and many others at Creatives Against COVID-19, with all proceeds going to the charities mentioned above. You can also view their work in our gallery here.

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