My Griffith Story: My greatest achievement to date has to be working for Microsoft

Peter Salama studied with the Faculty of Computing, achieving a BSc (Hons) in Computing Science in 2008. Peter works for Microsoft as a Site Operations Manager.
We caught up with Peter and asked him about his current role. “I currently manage the Edge Cloud Data Centres for Microsoft. Edge Cloud Data Centres are smaller facilities located close to the populations they serve, that deliver cloud computing resources and cached content to end users.“
Why did you choose to study at Griffith College?
“There were a number of reasons why I chose to study with Griffith College, the first being the central location which was close enough for me to commute into. Griffith College also offered the course I needed at the time, which then enabled me to progress onto the Computing Science degree course. I must admit that I really enjoyed the course, and the social aspects of the College.”
How did Griffith College inspire your career path?
“Eamon Nolan was someone that inspired and motivated me as a person, I always remember him saying, ‘sometimes life does not go as planned and you just need to make the best out of things.’
I ended up in the profession that I’m in because one of my friends from the course approached me. He thought I would be a good fit for the role based on my previous IT management career.”
What has your greatest achievement and biggest challenge been to date?
“My greatest achievement to date has to be working for Microsoft. I work in Microsoft’s fastest growing sector, which is hugely challenging and each time we add a new Data Centre to my teams list is a major achievement. I currently have 80 Edge Data Centre in our EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) regions.”
What can you tell us about your future?
“I would like to progress into higher management positions in Microsoft.”
Finally, we asked Peter some quick-fire questions.
Best piece of advice you have ever received?
“Value your education (thanks dad) and remember that the people you work with top to bottom are all the same, and worthy of your full respect.”
Advice for a graduate entering the job market.
“Work hard and work smart. Nothing beats this combo. I have seen plenty of super smart people throw away their talent because of laziness or sense of entitlement.”
How would you describe Griffith College in three words?
“Character – Building – Education.”