Dublin Pricelist

English for Academic Purposes (EAP) – 20 hours per week

This is our premium English for Academic Purposes programme including 15 hours of academic English, four hours exam preparation and one hour of guided learning. This programme runs in five-week blocks up to a maximum of 45 weeks. Students enter at set intervals depending on their level of English at the time of entry.

Students who are not progressing to a Griffith College academic programme and who are applying for EAP as a stand-alone programme: 

  • 5 weeks: €255 per week
  • 10 weeks: €235 per week
  • 15 weeks: €215 per week
  • 20 weeks: €200 per week
  • 25 weeks plus: €185 per week

25-week tuition special offer - €3800

Students applying for EAP who are progressing to a Griffith College academic programme:

These students require Academic English support to reach the entry requirements of the Griffith College Academic programme. These students must sit an external exam after finishing their EAP programme.​

  • 5 weeks: €800
  • 10 weeks: €1500
  • 15 weeks: €2000
  • 20 weeks: €2800
  • 25 weeks: €3500
  • 30 weeks: €4000
  • 35 weeks: €4800
  • 40 weeks: €5500
  • 45 weeks: €6000

Students' entry points/start dates will depend on their level of English at time of entry.

Gap Year/Semester Abroad

The Gap year or semester abroad programme allows you to choose modules from our extensive range of degree programmes and support them with 15 hours of English.

  • EU students: €3000/semester
  • Non-EU students: €6000/semester

Summer English

English for June, July and August for students who are .5 IELTS below the entry requirements for Griffith College academic programmes.

  • Summer English: €500 once academic fees have been paid in full

Please note the following terms and conditions:

  • In exceptional circumstances, students may enter the EAP programme within one block in advance/arrears* of their level of English on entry.
  • Students will not be permitted to commence the programme any later than the start of the second week of any 5 week block.
  • In order to avail of the above fees, students must also pay academic fees in full before commencing EAP.
    *In arrears allowed in the case of a visa delay.

Griffith College Dublin Supplementary Fees

Exam fee (IELTS): €250

Only mandatory for EAP students progressing to academic programmes & EAP standalone students on 25 week+ programme.

Book & materials fee: €100

Only mandatory for students on standalone EAP programme of 10+ weeks.

Medical insurance: €120

Mandatory for 25+ week students


Accommodation and Airport Pick Up

Airport pickup (one way): €80

Host family accommodation: €220 per week + €50 placement fee

January 1 - May 31 & September 1 - December 31

Host family accommodation: €250 per week + €50 placement fee

June 1 - August 31

Host family accommodation is half-board (breakfast & dinner) Monday to Friday and full-board (breakfast, lunch & dinner) at weekends.

Please note for all campuses:

  • All campuses require a minimum of 2 weeks of study to optimise the learning experience.
  • GCC and GCL new students start every Monday, except bank holidays. GCD students start every 5 weeks.
  • An external exam fee applies to all 25-week bookings
  • EAP academic students: Students on 25 weeks + programme will keep their book; those studying less than 25 weeks must return their book.
  • EAP stand-alone students: Book/materials fee of €100 applies bookings of 10+ weeks only. (Students attending for this period of time will be given one course book to keep. Students attending for shorter periods will be required to return all course books upon completion of their course.)
  • Please note that we do not accept intakes for December