Exam FAQ's

When do examinations usually take place?

For programmes that are divided into semesters, examinations typically take place at the end of each semester. Where modules extend across two semesters, the examinations are typically held at the end of the second semester. A supplemental examination sitting normally takes place at the end of the academic year and before the next academic year starts – typically August.

Where can I find the examination dates & times?

Examination dates and times can be found on Moodle.


Where can I find the examination venues?

Examination venues can be found during the exams on timetables displayed both in the Conference Centre (in the lobby and on the second floor) and on the examination noticeboard (located beside the elevator on the ground floor of the Link block, between the A block and the D block).

Please note that timetables will be displayed in the Conference Centre on the morning of each day’s examinations, while timetables will be displayed on the examination noticeboard on every afternoon of  the preceding exam day.


What time should I attend the exam venue?

Students should attend the exam venue at least 30 minutes before the start of the examination.

Students should note that the doors WILL be closed 5 minutes before the start of the exam to allow the Invigilators to make the exam announcements. Learners who arrive late will be admitted at 15-minute intervals for the first hour of the exam.


Is ID necessary to gain access to the exam hall?

Photographic ID (student card/driver’s licence/passport) must be provided to access the exams hall.


What materials, if any, are allowed into the exam hall?

Pens, erasers, pencils and rulers are allowed into the exam hall. If you are permitted to use a programmable calculator or reference material, please have it ready for inspection.


What materials, if any, are not allowed into the exam hall?

Electronic devices of any kind, including mobile phones, smart watches, or smart glasses are not allowed in the exam hall. In addition, pencil cases, unapproved books, paper, or notes of any description are not allowed in the exam hall.

Any unauthorised material found in your possession will be confiscated immediately and your actions may be construed as an attempt at cheating. A full investigation will take place, which may result in disciplinary action.


Can I use notes or books during the exam?

Exam papers are closed book. You are not permitted to access any material unless the instructions on your exam paper state otherwise.


What time am I allowed leave the exam hall?

Students can leave the exam hall, or take a toilet break, in the middle part of the examination – e.g. for a three-hour exam, students are allowed a toilet break or leave the exam after the first hour has passed and up until the third hour begins. 


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