Tips for Online Learning

Many students will not have experience participating in classes delivered in an online context.

While their purpose and content are the same as on-campus classes, we would like to offer the following advice as to how to properly engage with your online classes in the coming weeks.


While classes are being delivered in a different setting, it is important to maintain the same level of courtesy, behaviour and engagement you usually afford your fellow classmates and lecturers.

  • DO treat your online scheduled class as you would a formal classroom setting. Only wear and display things you would be comfortable with in the physical presence of others.
  • DON’T distract your fellow classmates or lecturer while the online class is in session.
  • DO your best to engage in class in a quiet setting, and wear headphones if available and needed.
  • DO keep your microphone muted to avoid disruption unless the classroom context requires you to engage.


In many cases, this experience will be as new to your lecturer as it is to you. Even those experienced in teaching online may not have taught this programme, this module, or used this technology previously. If there’s something that could make your online learning experience better, make sure to let your lecturer know by email, or via the forum on Moodle. We’re all in this together.

  • DO be proactive and offer timely, relevant, actionable feedback. You don’t need to wait to be asked, but again this should be done in the context of good etiquette.
  • DON’T forget that feedback can be positive too - your lecturers will be keen to know what aspects of the online class you found effective, so be sure to reach out about that stuff too.


Regardless of how it’s delivered, a class is still a class. It’s been designed to help you achieve the module’s learning outcomes and develop the necessary knowledge and skills. Online classes should be taken as seriously as any other class you have attended as part of your programme.

  • DO be online-ready. Set up a place of study and create an environment conducive to work if possible. If you have any accessibility issues (e.g. bad internet, no laptop, impairments) be sure to let the faculty or lecturer know as soon as possible.
  • DO ask questions at the appropriate times. The standard rules of asking questions in class still apply (there’s no such thing as a stupid question!). If you’re watching a recorded lecture and have a question on something that needs to be clarified, reach out to your lecturer by email or through the Moodle forum.
  • DO attend classes live if you can, or watch back as soon as possible after.
  • DO complete any follow-up tasks, assessments, and reading related to the class in as timely a manner as possible. The delivery of your coursework is planned to support your ongoing engagement with the course material, so as not to give you too much to do at any one time.
  • DO remember that while being online allows you greater flexibility in completing your learning, it also requires you to self-motivate, and plan and manage your time effectively to complete all required activities.
  • DO engage with your classmates outside of the lectures. Your learning will benefit from online study sessions, live chat, and peer sharing of work.


Attending a lecture from the comfort of your own home can be a great advantage - just don’t find yourself caught off guard by the change in circumstances.

  • DO feel free to disable your own camera while attending a live lecture. Anything that is recorded is liable to be seen again by others.
  • DON’T give in to the temptation to share a screenshot of the lecture on social media. Not everyone in your class wants their home, face or relatives in full view of your followers.


While you will be away from Griffith College, we still encourage you to make use of the supports and resources available to you as a registered learner.

  • DON’T forget that the library has an online catalogue available.  
  • DO let us know if you are having any difficulties.
  • DO access further information, if required, from our Student Supports.
  • The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education has provided a simple online learning resource.