Death of Chairperson of the Board of Directors

Frank Lennon

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Dr. Frank Scott Lennon, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Griffith College.

Dr Scott Lennon was a member of the Board for many decades and was also chair of the College’s HR Committee.

Frank was an HR expert and also an author of many management textbooks. He was our friend, colleague and mentor.

He passed away on the 12th of September in St. Vincent’s Private Hospital, surrounded by his family. Our deepest sympathies, thoughts and prayers are with his wife Claire, and his children Frank (junior) and Sinead.

Frank was a very positive person, he felt it was important to work and not let his sickness define him. In June of this year, he and his daughter wrote an article in the Irish Independent to share with the nation his journey and that of his only daughter, living with cancer 

Every one of us who knew Frank will have fond memories of him. He was and will remain an inspiration to all of us.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.


Professor Diarmuid Hegarty

President, Griffith College