Our people - Eva Kelly

Eva Kelly

Eva Kelly

Associate Lecturer

Location: Dublin Main Campus

Development Activities

Academic Qualifications
MA in Visual Arts Education, MA in Illustration (Distinction), BA Design in Visual Communications, Higher Diploma in Drawing and Visual Investigation


Eva Kelly works as a part-time lecturer in the Design faculty, specialising in Illustration and Freehand Drawing Techniques. She also lectures in graphic design and Adobe skills in other third level colleges in Dublin. Eva is a practicing free­lance illustrator and has worked on editorial commissions, collaborative projects in communities and galleries. She has participated in creative residencies in New York 2018 and Tokyo 2019 and has exhibited in both. Eva’s creative output is informed by her observations of the world around her. She mixes traditional media pen and ink with digital colour to communicate ideas and narratives. Creating a sense of play and curiosity is at the heart of her practice. She is a member of the AOI, Association of Illustrators, Visual Artists Ireland and Institute of Designers in Ireland.